I eyed the guy, then a thought popped into my head that made me all kinds of indignant.
“What the fuck were you doing on my front steps with Tommy Gun, anyway?”
It was Yamin’s turn to shrug.
“I’d been trying to get a hold of you for hours. Evidently during your hours’ long accident. So, I got worried since you usually answer me, especially if I call more than once. Anyway, I still had your emergency contact from— Well, I called him to get your address. He told me he’d take you there himself because he wanted to see the look on your face when I surprised you.”
Yeah, that sounded like something Tommy would do. And he had gotten a kick out of watching me get throttled. All the way up until he saw Freya, anyway.
“Shit, I just don’t know what to do. Tommy owns the place I work at. I don’t know that he’d fire me, but fuck, the air around there is going to be thin for a while.”
Yamin worked his cheek.
“Why don’t you come home to Florida with me? I took a couple months, and I’m heading there now. Well, as soon as I make sure you’ve got your head on straight.”
Not for the first time, I looked at my friend and wondered what I’d done to deserve him. He’d been more loyal to me than anyone, besides Tommy. The two of them were my entire life outside of the Raiders.
“You know, you take Semper Fi to a whole new level.”
Yamin grinned.
“Always, brother. Semper Fi. Improvise, adapt, and overcome. You were built around those principles, and so was I. Now it’s time you take that outside the Corps and use it in your own life.”
He was damn right.
“Yeah, I could use some space right now, too,” I mused. “Freya should find some other asshat, and Tommy needs to cool down. I think a trip to Florida sounds pretty good.”
“Pack up my man. I’ll get us the tickets, and we can be back home for dinner and Mum’s Pavlova.”
That sounded pretty good.
Standing, I grabbed the shirt off the chair in the dining room and hurried to my bedroom that still smelled like funk. God, I would miss her. Freya had quickly become the best parts of my day. Leaving for a little while would make me feel hollow…but it was for the best. For both of us. She’d been there for me, forcing me out of my head and into my bed, which really made a world of difference to me. Now, I would return the favor.
Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.
I’d survive. And so would she.
Chapter 21
I shouldn’t have let him shove me in the car.
Dad was practically spitting venom and vitreal, and that was fine. I wasn’t afraid of him. What I was afraid of was the fucking condition I’d left Ashton in. The sight of him bleeding, head hanging low and heavy as he threatened my father needlessly.
“You’re taking this way too far,” I told Dad as he sped home, blowing through a stop sign in the process because he was so worked up, he wasn’t paying attention to the road.
Ok, I was starting to fear for my life just a teensy bit.
“That son of a bitch,” he growled. “I trusted him with you and he betrayed me!”
“Stop being so dramatic,” I shot back. “Ashton didn’t betray you any more than I did! So what, we like each other? Shouldn’t that make you happy?”
Yeah, I already knew that was asking too much, but maybe we could meet somewhere in the middle so we could both at least not be miserable?
“No, Freya,” he growled low and disappointed, “you betrayed me, too.”