“You home?” he asked.
“Why?” I countered.
“Well, sit the fuck down.”
“Spit it out, Yamin.”
A knock at the door made me jump a little, making me move toward it to peek out the window at whoever was on the other side.
“Surprise!” Yamin called, looking back at me through the window. “I’m here, fucker!”
“Who’s that?” Freya hissed from the bedroom door frame just as a fist pounded on the door again.
I wanted to go back to five minutes ago when I was naked and sprawled against a beautiful woman. Could I do that? Why hadn’t we invented time travel yet?
“Aw, shit,” I blurted, hurrying back to the bedroom to pull some clothes on.
“Who is it?” Freya demanded, waddling with her legs bowed because evidently I’d done a good job railing her over the last couple hours.
“It’s my brother Yamin,” I hurried.
“Brother? You said you don’t have siblings!”
“Not that kind of brother.”
Understanding must have finally hit her because her eyes widened and her jaw dropped.
“Oh fuck,” she hissed again.
Yeah, I agreed with the sentiment.
After getting some underwear and sweats on, I hurried back to the door where Yamin was practically smashing the door down.
“Shut up before the neighbors call the cops!” I shouted out while Freya hurried to get her dress, though she was struggling to get it on. And without a bra, no less. That was going to be fun to explain.
I reached for the door, checking to make sure she was properly covered before popping the lock. The damn thing burst in, whacking me on the kneecap as Yamin sprang forward and practically tackled me to the floor just as my eye caught on something I had not expected when I saw Yamin at my door.
Tommy laughed from the doorway as I wrestled my friend, but panic seized me, which immediately caught me in a chokehold as Tommy’s eyes naturally veered from Yamin, who was whooping and hollering that he’d finally been able to beat me, to the lone female in the room, standing there with sex hair and kiss-swollen lips.
Oh fuck.
“Freya?” he breathed, finally looking around the place at her heels sprawled over the floor and my shirt still hanging off the dining room chair.
It was simple for anyone to see, or smell that this had been a sex cave for the last several hours. Even to my best friend, the father of the girl that had come to mean as much to me as he did. Maybe even more.
“No,” he demanded.
I would’ve tried to say something, leading him off the logical track his mind was already barreling down, but Yamin’s chokehold game had gotten better since I’d been half blown to bits several months ago, and I was still incapable of getting anything besides a gurgle out of my mouth.
“Freya?” Yamin asked, eyes darting to the girl in question. “Like, your daughter, Freya?”
The way Tommy’s head turned red, with veins pulsing in his neck and forehead, Yamin immediately took that as a ‘yes’ and let me out of the chokehold.
“Now, hold the fuck on,” I rasped, rubbing my neck as Tommy started stomping toward his daughter.
“Don’t you even look at her,” Tommy Gun barked, blocking me from the view of the woman I’d been laying naked with just a few minutes ago. “I’m inclined to beat your ass into a pulp, but I’m going to give you one single chance to explain this and tell me that this isn’t what it looks like.”
“Daddy,” Freya pleaded, which didn’t help the pulsing in his neck.