This old Marine had a weakness, and it was the twenty-one year old daughter of his best friend. If Tom knew I’d tasted his baby girl’s cunt, he’d kill me. Like, not figuratively. I’d reminded myself of that a half dozen times, but it was always a consequence lingering in the back of my mind. I could take him, like Freya had said the night before, but how could I take on my friend who I’d wronged? I would have to play dead and receive my just desserts.
Distracting myself from the ever-present thoughts of her, I made my way out to my car, the Firebird that needed a paint job, badly. She was beautiful, but still couldn’t hold a candle to the real goddess.
I got home and pulled out a steak, trying to decide if I should make a baked potato or if I should roast it in pieces when a loud knock sounded from the door.
Who the fuck was that?
I hadn’t even been home long enough to change and I was already being bothered?
Opening the door, ready to tell off the salesman on the other side, I didn’t even get a choked word out when I realized that it was Freya standing in front of me with a bag of incredible smelling food in her hands.
“You don’t get to send me away this time,” she growled, shoving her way through the door in her old-fashioned button-up dress and sky-high heels.
I moved, the sheer force of this woman instantly blowing through every single barrier and wall I’d managed to build up since the night before.
“Frey, you can’t just show up here and—”
“Don’t you fucking dare,” she hissed, pointing an accusing finger at me before shoving the bag of what must’ve been our dinner into my hands.
“We need space to try and…”
My jaw slackened, thoughts disappearing as her fingers lifted to the buttoned dress and released first the top one, then the next button and the next, until two perfect teardrop breasts effectively gagged me just by the sight of them.
“You don’t get to turn me away again,” she murmured, voice sexier and more seductive than I’d ever heard before as she dropped the rest of the dress, standing there in nothing but a pair of white lace panties and those heels.
“Frey,” I choked again, every cell in my body screaming to go to her, but no.
She took one, then another step forward, slowly stalking me until she was right there, my hands reaching to take her waist and pull her closer without permission.
“You promised,” she whispered, pressing those magnificent breasts against my chest.
“You’re going to end me,” I breathed, mouth already dipping down to take hers. “Just take me to Valhalla, huh?”
Her pretty, pouty lips turned into a little smile as she moved even closer, our lips nothing but a hair’s breadth apart.
“This Marine still has a job to do,” she whispered, then pressed her fingers up my t-shirt, dragging it up.
I let her, lifting my arms until it was thrown on the ground and our skin was touching, delicious and addictive.
“You’ve left me hanging for a whole day, Ash,” she whispered, lips making contact with mine, but she didn’t kiss me yet. “Kiss. It. Better.”
Finally, I got it. I understood how in all those old stories, a man fell in love and gave it all, and eventually was destroyed because of a beautiful woman. Helen of Troy, Romeo and Juliet, Samson and Delilah…and me.
I was a top-trained Raider, specialized in espionage, surgical in-and-out, and comfortable with embracing the general suck of SERE where I endured torture given to my by my own men. Even this, having her in my arms and knowing that I couldn’t have her, topped the mental agony I’d undergone in training.
She would've made an incredible honeytrap.
“Kiss. It. Be—”
I didn’t bother letting her finish. What was the point? She’d already won, and I was already broken.
My mouth over hers had silenced her words, but that just made her hands do the talking for her as she explored my shoulders while I dipped and grabbed her around the thighs and hiked her up to carry her to my bed.
She gasped into my lips and I took it, soaking in every bit of her erotic magnetism as she started to grind her panty-clad clit against my abs.
I didn’t let her do it for long, instead I dropped her onto my bed with a loud squeak of the frame as her weight smashed onto it. She must’ve seen the 'fuck it' in my expression and the first look of fear entered her eyes as she began to realize the extent of the beast she’d just buried her hand into my chest and yanked out.