Page 48 of Sir, Yes Sir

“Didn’t you just finish telling me that you’re not seeing anyone?”

“I’m not seeing her. We’re not dating. She’s just…”

She’s your Goddamn daughter.

“We’re friends.”

“Friends?” he asked, lifting a disbelieving brow. “With benefits?”

I snorted.

“I fucking wish,” I chuffed, a little grin taking over my face.

“How long have you been dry?”

“Too long,” I admitted with a bite of humor in my voice, mostly because I was talking about his little girl and he had no fucking clue.

“Sounds to me like maybe you should get out. Maybe we should go out together some weekend and I’ll wingman for ya. The ladies will love your baby face and those muscles.”

Snorting, I stared down into the foamy bottom of my mug.

“Need another one, sweetheart?” the waitress was back, reaching for the glass.

“Please,” I agreed, giving her a nod.

She took it with a smile and hurried off to get it filled up.

“What about her?” Tommy asked with that eyebrow back up, practically to his hairline. “She’s cute, and she seems to be flirting with you.”

“She’s barely legal,” I countered, lifting my own brow.

He shrugged as if it didn’t matter. “Barely being the operative word. That means definitely legal. Besides, the younger they are, the less likely she’s looking for something other than a fun night.”

The conversation paused as the waitress brought back the beer, and I simply thanked her and dismissed her. No part of me was interested in the brunette. The only thing that interested me was a fierce little blonde that had the same color eyes as my adoptive brother.

“So, you’re telling me to go get a younger girl? Maybe a little college grad who’s not ready to settle down?” I asked.

He nodded.

“I mean, you’ve gotta get back into the dating field. Might as well settle into that before you start looking for a girl to settle down with permanently.”

If only he realized what he was saying.

“Fuck, I’d settle for making out,” I said with a chuckle, and Tommy just grinned knowingly at me.

“So, get her number, even if you don’t call her. Prove to yourself that the ladies still want you.”

I just rolled my eyes at my friend, but trailed my eyes around the bar until I saw the girl dropping drinks off at another table.

“Fuck it,” I agreed, standing too fast which sent a tiny twinge of pain through my hip.

I focused in on the girl, and she must’ve felt that instinctive pull of prey to a predator as I approached.

“I know this is really forward,” I started, “But I couldn’t leave here without asking. Can I have your number?”

Funny how easy it was. Evidently my ego was still massive.

Her startled, doe-eyed expression melted into a grin.