Tommy could never find out about it. Ever. Hell, neither could Freya. I was going to have to look them both in the face tomorrow, and work under my car with her for hours after work.
Yeah, I was screwed, and not in a good way.
I cleaned up then got out of the shower to collapse on my bed, forgetting about dishes and pilot bearings and clutches, just thinking about that soft blonde hair that smelled like vanilla and spice.
Either I was wrong and my hand hadn’t touched vulva last night, or she was really good at pretending like nothing happened. Her morning wave and simple ‘good morning’ had been the same as always, and in return, I did my usual grunt, lifting my chin in my equivalent of a greeting.
I wasn’t sure if I was grateful or insulted.
“Too bad Ernesto’s isn’t here today,” Angel lamented while Kevin was face first in a Honda late that afternoon
“Yeah, really,” he agreed with a playful sneer. “Says the girl who got free tacos from Freya when I got none!”
“You know, you could have put the ratchet down and gotten some food,” she sing-songed. “Literally nobody was stopping you.”
“Except the customer who was yelling at me, telling me we were taking too long,” he deadpanned.
“Oh, he was just being a little bitch.” She waved her hand around. “You still could’ve taken a break.”
He mumbled about angry customers for another minute while Angel turned to me with hopeful eyes.
“Today’s Friday[2],” she pointed out.
“I’m aware,” I agreed, chugging some water while we waited for another car to roll in.
“Aaaand Fridays are karaoke night at Swill Lounge.”
“What the hell is Swill Lounge?” I huffed.
“It’s only the coolest little dive bar. Great food, and Friday night karaoke. It’s a staple. You’ve gotta come!”
“If it’s a staple, then how come I haven’t heard of it before?”
“Because I haven’t asked you to come yet. I wasn’t sure if you’d do something like karaoke.”
I barked out a laugh.
“Oh, and now you’ve decided that I’m the kind of guy who would sing stupid pop songs for strangers?”
She almost looked offended.
“Maybe. Besides, Freya and her buddies come with me sometimes. It’s a riot when she brings her friends, too.”
Freya, huh?
I would pay good money to listen to her sing ‘Like a Virgin’.
“If you can get Freya to go, I’ll go,” I said like a fucking idiot.
Her eyebrow raised as she looked me up and down.
“Well good news for you, Freya and two of her friends have already agreed to go next week.”