“You’re Sara,” the brunette guy murmured, no longer at the end, but beside Sara, staring into her eyes a little too intensely for my personal comfort.
She didn’t seem to mind, though. I even heard her sigh and lean into him while they began to talk.
“I’m Heather,” my friend said, as always, a little too eager to get to know the boys.
“Brick,” the other guy said, hair shorn short with a mustache perching like a hairy caterpillar above his lip. “What’s your name?”
His eyes were bright blue and boring into mine. The stoic and almost bored expression reminded me a lot of—shit. I wasn’t supposed to think of Ashton tonight.
The image of him driving away steeled my reserve as I smiled at Brick.
He was the only one with tattoos, so if I didn't look above his shoulders while we did it…then he'd look just like—
“I’m Freya.”
“Freya?” he asked, lifting an eyebrow while Luke and the other guy zoned in on Heather and Sara. “That’s a unique name. Sounds familiar though, for some reason.”
“Do you know who she is? The goddess?”
He shrugged.
“The Greek one?”
Ugh. That was immediately a first strike against this guy.
“Roman,” the other said, elbowing his companion.
“Norse,” I corrected, which made both of their eyebrows raise.
“Yeah, my ignorant ass doesn’t know about any of that shit,” Brick admitted.
I rolled my eyes and shook my head, but that was fair enough. Not a lot of people knew about Norse mythology, though many could at least tell where my name came from. Some people tried to be cultured.
“Brick is an odd name,” I threw back at him, making him grin as his buddies were already enveloped in their own conversations with my friends.
“Yeah. That’s what happens when you’re hard headed, I guess.”
The immediate image of him smashing his head through a brick wall assaulted my brain, making me laugh.
“Sure, I bet.”
Brick sipped his beer as his eyes roamed over our group, then over to the dartboard where it looked like Vicky was winning, if her victory dance meant anything.
“You all out celebrating anything?” he asked after a minute, turning his attention back to me.
“Not particularly. Though, I think life itself is worth celebrating.”
“Ditto,” he agreed. “Feels good to be alive.”
There wasn’t much else to say, but it looked like this guy was mine. Funny, just a few weeks ago and I’d have been disappointed, knowing that this guy’s older man looks wouldn’t have done anything for me. Now? Now he reminded me of the one guy I wasn’t supposed to be thinking of, but every time he spun his beer between his fingers, I saw Ashton there, twisting his Corona on the stone countertop of our kitchen, mind deep on something while he sat on the barstool.
“So, this is real forward,” Brick broke me out of my thoughts. “Hope you don’t mind.”
“What is?”
“Well, I’m not really into dating or anything, but I think you’re hot as shit. Want to get out of here?”