Dad took a step forward, gripping Ashton’s fist in his.
“Twenty-two a day,” he said quietly, reminding him of the worst statistic plaguing veterans. “If you ever—”
“Not going to happen,” Ashton assured, looking Dad right in the eye. “I know the statistics. I’m going to be fine. Ok? Besides, you’ll still see me every day.”
Dad blew out a long breath, then nodded, letting his grip go.
“Alright. But I hope you still come over for dinners sometimes, ok? Since you’re here, I mean… You’re not planning on leaving Vegas, are you?”
Ashton’s serious face morphed into a smirk.
“You kidding? I’ve got a job and a place already, so why should I go? You know I don’t have anybody to move away for.”
Dad nodded at him, while Mom took her opportunity and shoved the casseroles at him.
“There you go. If you need any more, you let me know. Nobody should have to resort to Ramen noodles and boxed mac and cheese.”
I chuckled at her antics, and that brought all eyes to me.
“No parting gift for me?” he asked, looking me right in the eyes.
I snorted a laugh. “Uh, how about I get you lunch tomorrow and we’ll call it even.”
He threw his head back and barked out a laugh before curling his arms around the casseroles.
“Thanks for letting me stay a few weeks. Once my check comes in, I’ll be able to get my own car, and I’ll return this hunk-o-junk.”
“That was my very first car, thank you very much,” Dad retorted,wrinkling his nose at the nickname Ashton had given the rusted piece of junk.
It was only by sheer willpower that the thing was still running.
“See you all tomorrow!” Ashton shouted, hurrying toward the truck before Dad could change his mind and make the man walk.
I grinned, almost feeling like I was watching a big brother go off to college. Except this big brother was in his thirties, and I was uncomfortably attracted to him.
Ugh, maybe I shouldn’t think of him as big brother material. That just sounded gross.
Mom and Dad started into the house while Ashton settled the casseroles into the passenger seat, but I waited, watching.
I knew he wasn’t ok. Hell, so did they. Not that it mattered any, because like he’d said, he was a grown ass man. We could only help when he asked for it.
Ashton put the car into drive and slowly pulled away from the curb. He looked over and our eyes met… My heart melted. Was it just me, or did his eyes look haunted?
Lifting a hand, I waved at him, and he waved back, then took off.
I let out a long, slow breath with the oddly painful ache of loss. As much of a pain in the ass as he was, I’d miss having him around. But why? Why would I miss him? It wasn’t like he was my friend, or even like we knew each other super well. He was Dad’s buddy, not mine. Even still, it was nice having someone around to roll their eyes at my jokes, and someone who was still able to shock me with their words. It’d been a long time since someone was able to do that.
Shrugging off the uncomfortable feeling, I dug into my pocket and opened my contacts. It was a Sunday afternoon, and I was a single, twenty-one year old woman. I needed to go out and live some life, or else I’d end up hiding out in my bedroom, daydreaming about the most inappropriate man I could imagine. All those muscles and tattoos…
Poking my finger down on my phone screen, I opened our friends’ group chat.
Me: I need drinks and a man with tattoos.
Vicky: I’m always up for drinks and men. What time?
Heather: I know just the place!
Me: Give me two hours. Where?