Page 22 of Sir, Yes Sir

“So, is there any kind of discount for a couple? Maybe a two for one special?”

I cackled under my breath, because we both knew there was no such thing as a couple’s special for housing.

“The best special you get is turning two housing bills into one,” was her quick-witted response. “That second rent bill can easily turn into a trip to Europe.”

“I’ve always wanted to go to Europe,” I admitted, trying to play my part even though every part of me was overwhelmed by this man next to me.

That was when he dropped my hand and folded his arms across his chest. Guess if there’s no discount, then the gig was up.

“What’s the price we’re looking at for the one bedroom?”

The numbers that spilled from her lips made my heart beat harder again. Not because of Ash, but because I could actually afford a place like this. Looking around again, I tried to imagine myself there, buying secondhand furniture to fill the space. Doing manis and pedis with the girls while indulging in watching Channing Tatum doing lap dances on the TV.

“Does that include utilities?” I asked.

She nodded.

“Everything included except for electricity and gas. There’s even cable in the package, so expenses will stay low.”

Well, I was sold.

“Yeah, it looks nice,” Ash said, but still shrugged. “We’ve got a couple more places to go and tour before we make a decision though. Thanks for your time.”

“Oh, we’re not going to sign?” she asked, looking downright shocked that we weren’t pulling out our wallets and begging her to take our money.

His money. Ash’s money.

There’s no ‘we’ in the picture.

“I’m Special Ops,” Ash stated. “I don’t do anything without having all the information first.”

The woman didn’t have anything to say to that. I mean, how does one counter such a statement?

“Alright, but the units go pretty quickly, and there’s only a couple of these single bedroom ones left. If you want it, you’ll need to jump on it.”

“Duly noted,” he told her, then slipped his arm around me to lead me out the door. “C’mon hun, we gotta go.”

I choked on my tongue at being called hun again, loving the sound of it rolling off his tongue for little old me.

We marched out of the building and down the stairs, albeit slowly so he didn’t struggle too hard on the way, then made our way back to the car.

“That place was pretty great,” I told him, not sure what else to say.

“Mhm, it was nice,” he agreed. “Not really what I’m looking for right now, though.”

“Well hey, maybe if I can get Dad to give me a little raise, I could move in there. I like it a lot. The bathroom was clean and big enough, and the kitchen was tight, but functional.”

“I honestly couldn’t give a single fuck about the bathroom or kitchen.” He chuckled. “Plus, no discount? Maybe I shoulda tried for a military discount. People usually have those, right?”

The man was ridiculous.

“Maybe you should just enlist in the Air Force, get a desk job, and move back on base,” I told him.

The look of outrage on his face was legitimately hilarious.

“Air Force? How would I be able to show my face to my brothers again if I did that? The fuck’s wrong with you?”

I cackled hard while he continued to spit and scoff at the idea.