Ok, sex toys while he was still touching me was the shiz-nit. We needed to do it more often.
The man reached all the way over, dragging his fingers over my lace panties and the needy opening of my slit before dipping in and pulling on the panties to give me more space to work, all while driving, mind you.
“If you crash—” I choked out, unable to finish my sentence, but he just shook his head, keeping his eyes on the road and his hand on my cunt.
“I’m not going to crash,” he promised, then pulled on the panties a little harder. “Take ‘em off, Frey. I can’t rip them from this angle.”
Oh Lord…
I wriggled them off, removing the delicious vibrations for just a moment until I was sitting there bare and achy and throbbing for literally anything that would make me come. I shoved the bullet back onto my clit, dragging it over my pussy for a second to gather some of my own slick to lubricate it before sliding quick little circles around my favorite little nub. Then his fingers were back.
He dragged those strong, thick fingers through the curls down there, then inserted his finger to the first knuckle.
“Oh fuck,” I squeaked, shoving my hips forward until that finger sank halfway in.
He still wasn’t watching his hand, just focusing on the road and nobody would think twice unless they looked into the seat to see him finger-fucking me while I was full on masturbating.
How could it have gotten better you ask? Oh, that thick, delicious finger started to move in and out slowly, his wrist tilted at an awkward angle, but he didn’t stop. I was coming so quick and so hard, I clamped down around his finger and squeezed my thighs closed, holding him right there until the worst of it subsided, leaving nothing but warm throbbing and a lightheaded contentment.
“Feel better?” he asked me, taking his hand back.
I opened my mouth to agree and thank him when he grabbed that perfect little bullet and tossed it out his partially open window.
“Are you fucking insane?” I yelped, watching the sweet little blue thing disappear into the ditch that served as a meridian between East and Westbound.
He just grinned and put the finger that had felt so good inside me a moment ago into his smirking mouth, tasting every little bit of me that still clung to him.
Why was that so hot, and how was a girl supposed to be mad at her man after an orgasm like that when he was literally licking her off his fingers?
“You won’t need it anymore,” was his simple response.
“That’s littering,” was all I managed to quip back.
He just shrugged then settled back and pressed his hand back onto my thigh, squeezing it.
“I hate you,” I lied, which just made him chuckle.
“You will until I give you three more of those once we get there.”
“Huntington Beach?”
Hah. I ruined his surprise.
He just nodded.
“Yep. Same place, same room. It seemed pretty damn appropriate for our half-iversary.”
I couldn’t help but laugh. “Who the hell says half-iversary?”
“I do,” was his simple response.
Had it really been so long? We were definitely heading into the end of fall, and true enough, we’d gotten together at the beginning of spring.
“We’re not quite to six months yet, but we didn’t have a three day weekend lined up for a while, so I wanted to take advantage.”
Damn it, he was so sweet and romantic. Did they teach that in the Raiders, too?