“Really?” I asked, feeling hope swell in my chest.
“I’ll do you one better. I want you to run the whole damn thing. The garage will be under your management.”
I just blinked at him.
“Are you fucking serious?”
He shrugged.
“Karma’s been asking for me to spend less time at the dealership, so I’m trying to find other people to take over some of the responsibilities so we can go on more trips, just her and I.”
“Well shit,” I murmured, not sure what else to say. “Yeah. Yeah I’ll do it.”
He just nodded and put out his hand.
“Good. We’ll see you on Monday, and I’ll show you through all the responsibilities.”
“And what’s my salary?”
He laughed.
“Let’s deal with that on Monday. And I’ll tell you what, if you can get my daughter back in the business, I’ll make it six digits.”
The dude had a fucking deal.
“I’ll do what I can,” I told him just as the ladies joined us at the table, setting down a platter of…I didn’t know what.
“A new recipe,” Karma said excitedly.
Freya’s eyes widened in a ‘don’t ask me’ sort of expression. Evidently she had no clue what it was, either.
Well, it looked like we had an evening full of easy conversation and questionable food ahead of us, and I could not fucking wait.
My first week back at the dealership was awesome.
Angel was still walking around without a bra and with her tits practically hanging out, but she was a solid worker, and Kevin was great too. The only negative was that I hadn’t been able to convince Freya to work back there with me. As awesome as it would be to share that with her again, it was obvious to me that she had loyalty to where she worked. But I’d keep working on her, and I still had hope that eventually she’d help me take the place over. As it was, Tom said he’d take her to lunch to talk about it and offer a GM position on top of accounting. It was all the stuff she’d been doing there last time, but he promised a real wage now, and the respect that she’d deserved back then.
Now, it was officially the weekend and I was ready to chill and enjoy some quality time with my woman and maybe do some work on the Firebird between hot fuck sessions in our bed.
“You’re home!” Freya called as I strolled in, only a few minutes behind her because she was still dressed for work and her briefcase was still by the door.
“So are you,” I agreed, leaning in to give her a kiss.
She clung to the kiss for just a moment before turning back to her phone.
“Can I ask you a big favor?” she asked, fingers flying over the screen.
“Depends what it is.”
She lifted her eyes to me with a deadpan look, then went back to her phone.
“The girls want to do our regular Friday girls’ night, but they also want to properly meet you. The only thing they really know about you is that you’re a sexy ex-Marine and that you broke my heart with a sledgehammer. They’re obviously worried about me, and I think if they could get a chance to get to know you, they’d absolutely love you.”
I could practically see my easy, fuck-filled weekend flying away like a dandelion seed in the wind.
“Uh, yeah, sure. If that’s what you want,” I agreed, because what else was I going to say?
A person needs more than one partner in their lives. Friends and family were important relationships to nurture, and I’d be damned if I got in the way of that for her.