“So…” He leaned back too, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Not trying to kill me anymore?” I asked, throwing it out there.
He grunted, considering my question.
“Kill, no,” he relented. “Mess you up a little…”
He looked at me over his shoulder, giving me a wan smile.
“At the risk of making it worse, I need you to know that I love her, Tom. I hope you know that. It’s not a passing fancy. That girl is everything to me.”
He blew out a long breath.
“She’s everything to me, too. But I’ve had a lot of time to think over the last couple weeks. Time to plan your murder and how to hide the body…”
I laughed and he grinned at me, a twinkle of humor in his eyes.
“And I had time to consider the fact that, while I was fucking angry that you went around my back, I couldn’t wish up a better man for my daughter.”
Well, fuck me. What a damn compliment.
“Tom, I—” I didn’t know what the hell to say to that.
He shook his head at me, undoing his crossed arms to turn toward me a little. “When I started thinking about all the things that she could have or should have, I basically just described you, over and over again. You can thank Karma for that train of thought. That was all her, trying to get me to talk out my feelings. Blech.”
Tom rolled his eyes, glancing over at his wife with an affectionate smile.
“So, are you in on this? You approve?” I asked him, drawing his attention back to me.
He shrugged.
“Do I have any choice?” he countered. “If you’re hanging around, then if I want to see my little girl, then I’m going to have to get used to your ugly mug.”
I huffed and nodded, a smile tilting my lips.
“Yeah, I’m not going anywhere,” I agreed, my eyes drifting over to the woman in question.
“Then, I guess we’re stuck with each other, huh, son?”
Oh God, those words sounded so fucking wrong coming from him.
“Asshole,” I mumbled, shoving his shoulder.
He laughed, righting himself in his seat.
After another glance toward the ladies in the kitchen, he turned back to me.
“So? How’s the transition going? Find a job yet?”
I groaned, disgusted that I had to admit that no, I didn’t have a fucking job yet.
“No. I’ve been to a dozen different shops and nobody wants to pay for someone with my experience. They’re only looking for people to fill entry level positions.”
“That’s bullshit.” He sounded offended on my behalf.
“Yeah, well, I’m losing my fucking mind staying home while Freya’s working, so I might just take one of the jobs. I wanted to start a place, but I don’t have things lined up yet, you know? After some time, I’ll have things put together and the money saved up, but—”
“Why don’t you come back and work for me?” he asked. “I know we had a rough spot there, but I know you’re an incredible worker, plus Angel and Kevin love you.”