Page 175 of Sir, Yes Sir

“Right,” I agreed, not that it made much of a difference to her.

When Freya made up her mind, good fucking luck trying to change it.

The ride to Tommy and Karma’s house was just as good as I imagined. If not for the anxiety of the uncertainty waiting for us there, I’d have a lot more than the semi I was currently sporting after feeling the heat of her crotch grinding against me for ten minutes straight.

So, helmets in hand and baggy jeans covering up the half woodie I had going on, I knocked on the door.

There was no way to describe the level of crossing my fingers I was doing in my brain, which was unsettling. I was a man of action, not a man of hoping. But what was I supposed to do, threaten Tommy with a semi-automatic until he agreed to let me date his daughter? I didn’t think that would go over well in any case.

Karma answered the door, then chastised us.

“You don’t have to knock on our door. Just come in.”

The words were blunted by the warm hug she gave each of us.

“What’s the temperature in there?” Freya whispered, looking over Karma’s shoulder as if to watch out for any sign of Tom.

“I think you’ll be surprised,” Karma said with a wink to her daughter, and a smile to me. “Just don’t do anything stupid like bringing up sex. Got it?”

Yeah, that was directed right at me. I deserved it.

With a nod of agreement, we all went in. I felt Freya put her hand in mine, giving it a little squeeze as we made it into the kitchen area with the shared dining room.

“There they are,” Tom called, moving away from something in a pot that he’d been stirring, probably at Karma’s behest.

He hugged his daughter tenderly, then moved shrewd eyes over to me.

“I got a call from someone named Felicity yesterday,” he told me with a frown on his face. “She informed me about something that you two decidedly did not. You had a shootout in the middle of Chicago?”

Damn you, Felicity.

“That worried us all to pieces,” Karma put in with a frown.

“We didn’t tell you because we didn’t want to worry you,” Freya admitted, looking bashful about leaving out that important tidbit. “It was all said and done and we’re both fine. I knew it would’ve scared you Mom, and made Dad mad.”

“I’m not mad, I’m worried,” Tom said, taking a step toward me.

I tightened up, prepared for an onslaught when the man put his arms around me instead of pummeling me like I probably deserved.

“I’m glad you’re both ok,” he said, slapping me on the back a little too roughly. “But maybe we should limit the number of trips we’re making to Chicago, huh?”

“I lived there until my eighteenth birthday and never got shot at before,” I told him. “It was just a matter of wrong place, wrong time.”

“Anyway you look at it, I’m glad she had you there with her,” Tom told me, squeezing my shoulder.

That was probably the nicest thing I’d heard him say to me since things with Freya happened two years ago.

“Me, too,” I admitted.

He patted my shoulder a couple times, then went on to the table, sitting at the head of it.

Karma met my eyes from across the counter and raised her brows with encouraging excitement.

Was that it? No threats on my life or attempts to kick me out?

Turning to Freya, I met her eyes and she looked just as shocked as I was. With a nudge of her chin and wiggle of her eyebrows, she encouraged me to go talk to Tom. And, since I loved the woman so Goddamn much, I obeyed like a good boy and meandered over to sit beside my friend.

“So,” I drawled, sitting back in my chair.