Page 171 of Sir, Yes Sir

“Even though I ended up getting you shot at?” he bemoaned wearily. “That was a great end to the day.”

I smiled, pressing a soft kiss to his lips. “Even still. I’m glad. I had fun seeing that side of you.”

“I’m glad you were there. I hadn’t seen that side of me in a long time, either. If you hadn’t been there to talk me down from the episode, I don’t know what would’ve happened.”

“You would’ve been fine,” I promised. “You were already fighting it down before I even noticed it was happening.”

“We worked on it a lot, my therapist and I,” I admitted.

Shit, I needed to switch that over.

“That’s probably the one thing I’ll miss about Florida. I had a fucking rad therapist.”

I frowned, but he smiled at me, taking his thumb and physically moving my frown to be a smile.

“No sad faces. I won’t allow it.”

“Well,” I sighed, “I’m sorry you had to leave your therapist behind, but I’m grateful you’re here. I want you to be here, you know?”

He nodded, face turning serious.

“I want to be here, too, Frey. I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.”

“Forever? Will you be with me forever?” the insecure bitch inside of me blurted out.

His expression didn’t change to amusement, and that worried the hell out of me for a second.

“Forever?” he repeated.

I nodded, fully throwing my hat in on this one, because I needed to hear the words. Or, at least something along the lines that he won’t just up and abandon me again for my own ‘good’.

Suddenly, he was moving and knocking me onto my back so I stared up at his bulking chest and shoulders above me.

“I already promised forever, Frey. My forever, anyway. If you eventually need someone else, then I’ll have to SITFU and let you move on, but if I ever thought you’d say yes, I’d lock you down and put a ring on your finger to prove to you I’m not going anywhere.”

“You’d marry me?” I breathed, feeling butterflies explode in my belly at the proposition.

“Tomorrow,” he agreed. “But I’m patient. I can wait. I know we already made a big step by moving in together so fucking soon, so I’ll bide my time, but if that’s what you want, then it’s in our future.”

“Ok,” I murmured. “But no take backs.”

He finally grinned at me.

“No take backs,” he agreed, then snuggled in as the thin rays of day waned into darkness and city lights.

“Promise me something though?” I asked, breaking the long silence with my own jarring voice.

“Hm?” he hummed, nestling his face further into my blonde locks.

“I know you won’t wear the tags on the regular, but promise you’ll wear them for our anniversaries?”

It was presumptive, but he didn’t seem to mind because his lips stretched into a smile against my shoulder.

With a low chuckle, he said the only word I needed from his lips, spoken against my skin. “Promise.”

Chapter 44
