“That bastard is lucky I’m even going to throw some dirt on his grave. I’m not getting into a suit to do it.”
Felicity gave a long suffering sigh.
“Poor Freya.”
I just chuckled at that, and blushed when he met my eyes and winked.
“Yeah, well I'll make it up to her.”
Felicity let out a trilling laugh.
“How would you mind meeting for lunch or dinner? I’d hate for a whole day to go by and not see my nephew. We have too much lost time to make up.”
He lifted a brow at me as if to ask if I wanted to go.
I shrugged, but also nodded.
He should go see his aunt. She was right, there was too much time to make up for.
“I’ll tell you what,” he said, lifting a knee to prop his arm up as he spoke into the speaker phone. “I promised Freya that I’d bring her for some deep dish tonight. Why don’t you join us? Woodrough, too.”
“I’d love that,” she agreed, her voice catching with emotion. “Thanks’s honey.”
“Before you go getting happy, I should probably let you know that we’ll need a new car. The last one got shot up last night.”
She gasped over the line, and I just rolled my eyes. I wasn’t sure if there was a more dramatic way for him to tell her that the car had been totaled.
“I hope you have insurance.”
“Damn, and I was just starting to like you,” Felicity barked. “What did you do to my rental?”
“Well, some assholes were taking the tires, and when I tried running them off, they drew guns and fired at us.”
“Oh my God, are you ok? That’s so scary!”
“We’re alright,” he started, but I interrupted.
“He was totally badass and protected me and other people that would’ve been caught in the crossfire.”
“Are you both alright, Freya? I know Ashton will say yes, but you’ll tell me the truth.”
“And I won’t?” Ash sounded affronted.
“We’re ok, Felicity. I’m sorry about your car, though.”
She sighed with relief.
“It’s just a car. We’ll go get a new one today and tell them what happened. Will the police have it?”
“I’m honestly not sure. They probably impounded it.”
“Alright. Let’s meet in the lobby at six, shall we?”
He grunted in agreement, which made her laugh again.
Then he hung up.
“Felicity is pretty great,” I murmured, cuddling my head into his naked chest where I breathed in the scent of him.