Page 156 of Sir, Yes Sir

My eyes turned over to where the paramedics were loading up the criminals who would’ve killed us if I hadn’t brought them down first.

“Will they be ok?” I asked the cop.

“Yeah, the paramedics said that the injuries weren’t severe. You hit ‘em in good spots.”

“I always feel bad for kids like this. Coulda been me if I hadn’t joined the Marines.”

The cop nodded.

“Both those boys are over eighteen. They’ll be tried as adults for attempted murder, I’d bet. Don't know what they were thinking, shooting at a street full of civilians.”

My frown got deeper, and not just from the intense pain in my head.

The cop strolled away and Freya squeezed my fingers. “You ok?”

I shrugged.

“This night can suck dick,” was all I said.

Freya, the beam of shining hope that she was, laughed like I’d said a joke.

“Those dudes messed with the wrong guy tonight.”

I shrugged.

“I don’t know what made them think it was a good idea to fuck with an expensive car in a shit neighborhood. The only nice cars here belong to drug dealers and gangs.”

All the humor on her face melted at that.

“And the odd visitor from Vegas looking to rehash old memories,” she practically whispered.

I nodded, which sent a particularly painful throb through the front of my skull.

“Can you do me a favor and call a cab?” I asked her, stumbling a little as I went to sit on the curb.

Freya moved to help me, but I was so Goddamn big, I would’ve just ended up pulling her down, too.

As soon as I was settled, she got on her phone and called that cab.

We had to take a taxi back to the hotel since the car was an active part of the crime scene, plus it was already missing a tire. Didn't stop me from grabbing my shit out of the back though. They could keep the car, but the memories inside were mine.

“How bad is it?” Freya asked, watching me hold my head as we walked down the hotel hallways to our room.

The duffel from my parents old house was on her shoulder, which told you how fucking bad it actually was.

“I need to sleep,” I told her, voice weaker than I liked.

“Then sleep,” she whispered as I slowly undressed, then collapsed into the bed, “Is it ok if I cuddle you?”

I huffed, reaching up to her.

“What kind of stupid as fuck question is that?”

A tiny smile tipped her worried lips.

“Ok,” she breathed, starting to shuck her clothes, too.

My Goddamn vision started to blur, which was a real fucking shame because her naked body was a sight to behold. By the time my eyes cleared enough to see alright, she was already crawling under the covers.