Page 132 of Sir, Yes Sir

Pain pinched his expression, but he still smiled at me. I smiled back, knowing he couldn’t say a damn thing. That part of our friendship had died a long time ago.

“Make those beers a double and you’ve got a deal,” he told me. “Oh, and you’ll be the one talking tonight.”

I agreed and moved out of the way so he could get to his room.

Well, it was time to drop the bomb that I was moving, because I was moving in with my girlfriend, who happens to be my best friend’s daughter. Awesome.

The pizza was sitting on the coffee table along with two six-packs of beer when Yamin came out from his room with a puff of steam.

“Fuck, I missed showers,” he sighed, running his fingers through his damp hair.

I popped one of the beers and handed it over, which he accepted with a tip of his head.

“Now, tell me all about Vegas. How’s Tom and Karma?”

“Oh, they’re good,” I said, plopping onto the couch with a beer of my own. “But we’re back on a no-talking basis again. Dude’s got anger problems.”

Yamin turned to me slowly, eyes holding an accusatory glare.

“Why wouldn’t he be talking to you?” he asked slowly. “He’s the one who invited you to stay with them.”

I nodded, taking a sip to prolong the news that I didn’t want to deliver personally.

“Probably because I fucked his daughter,” I blurted. “Multiple times.”

“Well, yeah, but didn’t you guys get over that already?”

I said nothing, just stared at the bottle in my hands while he put two and two together.

“Goddamn it, Kane!” he shouted, slamming the beer onto the table. “You fucked her again? Multiple times?”

I shrugged helplessly.

“You stupid asshole! Let me guess, it was an accident again, right? You were just wrestling around in a kiddie pool filled with butter when you, oops, put your dick in her cunt, huh? Multiple times!”

He looked completely put out.

“No,” I said, sighing. “It wasn’t an accident, and it wasn’t a mistake. I love her.”

“No shit, Sherlock.” He rolled his eyes.

“And she loves me. I’m moving back to Vegas.”

That had his eyes swinging back my way.

“Vegas? You’re going back?”

I nodded.

“We’re moving in together. We realized what a stupid fucking thing it was for me to leave, and we’re not idiots, so we’re not repeating that mistake. She asked me to move in.”

“And you’re doing it? After what, two days?”

“We spent a week together. A little more than a week, actually. We were inseparable. Insatiable—”

He held up his head and reached for his beer again.

“I’m going to need three more of these before I hear the rest of this story,” he mumbled into the lip of the bottle, then tipped it back to chug.