“I still can’t believe you said that to my dad!” I hissed at him, which turned his smile devilish.
“Why not? You don’t want to talk about it with your parents? I thought you were progressive.”
“Not like that! Nobody wants to hear about their kids’ sex lives, just like I don't want to hear about theirs!”
He snorted and opened my door.
“Just for that, you can be sure that there won’t be any hanky panky going on tonight! You’ll probably use it against Dad!”
Ash laughed, throwing his head back against the headrest of my car, driving it even though it was my baby. I was starting to think that he had a complex about being driven around by a girl.
“Withholding, huh?” he asked, getting us moving and down the street, away from my parents’ house.
“Yeah. I can do that. I can resist you,” I blurted, already feeling the warm throb between my thighs that was still slightly bruised from his attentions earlier.
“Sure,” he said, glancing at me to wink. “Sure you can.”
Who was I kidding? I wouldn’t be able to say no to him any more than I could say no to a death by chocolate cake on the second day of my period.
It was literally impossible.
I cuddled into his side, naked and sweaty at almost midnight, cursing myself for giving in so easily to him. All it took was a quick twist of my nipple and a firm lick up my neck and I was practically holding up a neon sign, begging him to fuck me.
“I’ve been gone longer than I meant to,” he whispered as we laid in total darkness. “My boss is probably wondering if I’m dead in a ditch somewhere.”
“All the easier for you to move here, right?”
I felt him shake his head, face never moving from the curve of my neck when he dug his nose into my hair.
“He’s a good guy, the owner of the shop I work at. He hired me without any recommendations and gave me a chance. I’ve got to get back and give him some kind of notice so he can replace me.”
I sighed, hating being a stupid, mature adult.
“Yeah, don’t worry. I get it. When are you going back?”
“I should probably go home tomorrow. I missed my last flight five days ago.”
What? He’d never even mentioned that he had a return flight booked.
“Ash, why didn’t you say something? I would’ve understood if you needed to go home.”
“I know, I just couldn’t go until we knew what we were doing. I wasn’t ready to leave you if it was going to be long term.”
“Now you know,” I assured him. “Give your two weeks or whatever it takes, then bring all your crap up here. You even have your car ready for you, and I’ll clean out a couple inches in my closet to fit your stuff.”
“So generous,” he moaned in exaggeration.
Little did he know, I was a total closet and drawer hog. He was lucky to get a couple of inches. It showed my true love and devotion for me to want to share.
“I’ll keep you updated, but it shouldn’t be more than a week, maybe two. I don’t have much, but what I do have, I’ll ship it out here. Probably sell the bike.”
“Bike? You have a motorcycle out there?”
He nodded into my neck again.
“I couldn’t get myself to work on another car for myself after the Firebird. Too many memories of you.”