Page 120 of Sir, Yes Sir

“Two number threes, make one an XL.”

The boy behind the counter nodded. “Twenty-seven thirty-two.”

I handed over my card and paid, then found a seat in the busy restaurant while I waited for the number on my receipt to be called.

Pulling out my phone, I scrolled through the texts there from Mom, Heather, and Vickey. Messages had come in over the past almost week since Ash blew back into my life, and I’d only given the shortest replies that I’d tell them all about it later. Well, later never came, and I was sure that the girls were chomping at the bit to know what the hell was happening and why I missed our girls night out on Saturday. Mom knew what was going on, but I was sure she’d like an update, too. She was my first call.

“Hey, sweety,” she answered. “Are you back home?”

“Hey Mom. Yep, we’re back in town. Ash has a migraine again so he’s resting and I’m out getting dinner.”

“Gotcha. How are you doing? How was your trip?”

“Really good. We went to Huntington Beach. Did you know that we’re only a few hours drive away?”

“Oh yeah, Your dad and I have been a couple times. It’s beautiful!”

I agreed but felt an awkward lull.

“Anyway, I just wanted to let you know I’m back, we’re safe, and everything is good.”

“We’re still planning on dinner?”

“Yep, we’ll be there. Want me to bring anything?”

It was the first time I’d ever offered to bring anything, but for some reason it felt like the right thing to do because we were going as a couple to Mom and Dad’s house. It felt different. Grown up.

“Nonsense. I’ve got it all planned out. I found this new recipe for a vegan white lasagna that sounds really delicious.”

I held back a groan, loving my mother while at the same time hating that she had to test her new recipes on us.

“Sure, sounds good,” I choked out. “We’ll see you in a couple days then. Love you Mom.”

“You’ve got to go? Ok, love you honey.”

I hung up quickly then pushed the button on Heather’s contact before I could think about it.

“Girl, I thought you were dead!” was her welcome.

“Unless you count death by orgasm, then no, I’m fine,” I blurted, then looked around me, my cheeks bursting into a profound blush.

There were freaking kids at the table next to me. Luckily it didn’t seem like anyone had noticed or been listening to me.

“Death by orgasm? By who?” she demanded, sounding way too excited.

“Do you remember that sexy Marine that blew up my whole world two years ago?”

“No!” Heather shouted, “Ashton the Special Ops hottie?”

“Yeah, well, some things happened and now we’re together. He’s been staying at my place for the last few days. Well, actually, we went down to the beach for a couple days. We just got back this afternoon.”

“You’re telling me that you’ve been bumping uglies with the soldier of your dreams for a week and I’m just finding out now?”

“Girl, I’ve been a little busy.”

Heather howled in laughter.

“So? You two are a couple now? Is he coming back to Vegas to stay? Are you moving in together?”