Those words had me choking back a freaking sob that made me feel like such a chick.
While I tried to swallow back the tears, his expression softened and he framed my cheeks with his meaty palms, carefully cradling my face.
“You’re so beautiful, Freya,” he whispered earnestly. “Inside and out, you’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever met. Your body is bangin’, but your heart is what I’m really interested in.”
I dropped my head forward to press my lips to his, shoving him back into the headboard where he lounged. The kiss wasn’t charged through, not with lust, anyway. I climbed into his lap and kept my lips to his, a simple, intimate press of mouths that felt so fucking right that my heart started to swell.
More beautiful words had never been spoken in the world, I was sure of it. I was biased, but still, what more could a woman ask for?
“I fucking love you,” was all I could get out, repeating myself.
“I fucking love you, too, Frey.”
Gah, I had no choice. Literally none. What else can a girl do when her emotions are so big she can’t get them out? She sinks onto her boyfriend’s big, hard dick. That’s what.
I just sat there as we panted against each other’s lips. His cock jumped, eager to get moving, but we were frozen like that. Until we weren’t.
With small, gyrating jerks of my hips, the smallest friction started, and he let me. For the first time between us, we weren’t fucking. We were making love.
His hands dropped to my hips, helping me move with slow, long strokes as I rocked in his lap, but he didn’t seem to be in a hurry either. My arms curled around his neck and each bit of our bodies touched as we broke through this new milestone.
“I love you, I love you,” I kept muttering with each stroke of him inside me.
“I’m not going anywhere, Frey. I promise. I’m here. I’m yours,” he whispered back, giving me everything that I needed.
God, my chest was going to explode.
Orrr…maybe my orgasm was.
One or the other.
The keening gasp that burst from my lips as I ground my clit against his pelvis told me which one my body had chosen. I was grateful it was an orgasm and not a splattering of my heart and lungs everywhere because we would've definitely gotten a cleaning fee from the hotel if it did.
Orgasms felt better, anyway.
His hands gripped my thighs harder until he was coming too, sinking his teeth into my neck as he growled, giving me that vulnerability that I needed.
I felt a little lightheaded once the orgasm drifted away, leaving behind a gentle flutter. My eyes closed and sleep threatened to take me dead or alive. Dramatic, I know.
“Sleep,” he whispered into my ear, moving me off his softening erection to settle me into the sheets beside him. “I got you.”
Probably for the first time, I fucking believed it. Sleep had never come faster.
Chapter 33
I was dreaming.
That was the only way to describe my life.
After our first bout of lovemaking, we slept tangled up in each other, and the next day I woke up with all those big feelings again, but this time they didn’t seem so overwhelming. They felt incredible.
Untangling myself, I managed to get out of bed without disturbing him. Or at least, I thought I had. By the time I’d gotten out of the bathroom from my morning pee, he was up and leaning against the headboard again, looking out the window as the morning light filtered in all pink and golden.
“Morning,” I said, moving to the coffee pot to get myself an instant cup.
I filled the water reservoir and snapped in a pod, then listened to the familiar tinkling of it draining into a cup as my eyes strayed back to him.