Page 112 of Sir, Yes Sir

Slicking back his hair with both hands, those abs shimmered with wetness as the black tattoos on his body glistened.

Nah, beautiful wasn’t a strong enough word. Maybe exquisite. Yeah, that’s better

As he reached me, my legs automatically spread as he dropped to his knees and leaned in toward me, giving me a cold, wet kiss that was somehow just as sensual as it was gross.

“You’re wet,” I shrieked as his chest and hair dripped cold water all over me.

“Not as wet as you’re going to be,” he mumbled, dropping a few kisses to my neck.

I was going to stop him, but then I looked around and only saw one other couple a ways up the beach. We were relatively alone, so what was the harm with making out with my boyfriend on the beach?

So, I let him taste every inch of uncovered skin that he wanted to, then brought his mouth back to mine and stole a few myself.

“You’re covered in sand,” I murmured as our skin slid together.

It wasn’t a sensuous slide because of all the sand. In fact, it kind of hurt.

“You ready to head back?” he asked, backing up to look into my eyes.

I knew exactly what he was implying, and I was so ready for it. How we’d relatively kept our hands to ourselves all day, I’d never know. Once we were back in our room, however, we wouldn’t need to anymore.

“Let’s go,” I eagerly agreed, struggling to my feet with his weight on me.

He was up in a flash, pulling me up too before he took my hand with his sandy one and led us back to our hotel room, dropping bits of water and sand the whole way that probably earned us an enemy on the cleaning staff.

Once we were inside, we immediately headed for the shower that was as big as my entire bathroom at home. Both of us would easily fit inside.

“I’ve never showered with anyone before,” I admitted.

He chuffed.

“Me either. Unless you count communal showers in a locker room, which I refuse to count.”

I giggled at that. “So, sharing with a bunch of other naked dudes doesn't count?”

“Nope,” he denied, moving closer.

With one finger of each hand, he scooped them under the tight straps of my swimsuit and gently pulled until those elastic straps slid off my shoulders. Lust flushed through my system, warming me up instantly.

I couldn’t help myself. I took a step forward and pressed myself into his chest as those straps kept dropping until the entirety of my suit was shoved down to my hips. Then I kissed him.

He accepted my kiss with eager enthusiasm while shoving his hands into the back of my swimsuit, pushing it down as he palmed each globe of my ass in an almost painful grip.

“Shower,” I whispered against his lips before biting down on one.

I started fumbling with his wet shorts, but damn those things were stuck to him so tight. I pulled, but his hands slipped away from me long enough to yank them down his thighs, turning them inside out.

I laughed, because watching a retired Marine, that was bigger than Henry Cavill, wiggle out of wet swim shorts was fucking hilarious.

“Keep laughing,” he mumbled as he got them off, then immediately scooped me up which had my giggles bursting into a shriek. “That's more like it.”

Within about five seconds, we were in the shower. The water was on, and I had my back pressed against the tile as he went back to pulling at my suit.

“Ash,” I heard his name bumble out of my mouth.

God, I was impatient.

It didn't take long for him to drop me to my feet again because, beefy as he was, he wasn't tearing through a swimsuit. With military precision, he shoved down the suit until it splashed against my ankles, then scooped up one leg with his wrist under my knee and shoved in. My head smacked against the tiles behind me, my body jerking involuntarily with the welcome invasion.