Page 106 of Sir, Yes Sir

“We’re in Huntington Beach. We needed to get away.”

“God, I didn’t realize we were so close,” she whispered reverently as we went over a slight rise and got a good view of the ocean below us.

“We are. Still, it’s been a while since I’ve been to the Pacific.”

She looked over at me and rolled her eyes.

“You literally live next to the ocean, so you get to shut the fuck up.”

I chuckled.

“Do I get any credit for bringing you to the ocean?”

She considered it, staring at the coastline.

“Yeah. I’ll give you that.”

“Give me what?”

She slowly turned her head my way with a playful glare.

“What do you want?”

I huffed, because there we were with the dumb questions again.

“I’ll take whatever you’ll give me,” I admitted while aiming my sights towards the biggest hotel on the coastline, “and then I’ll take a little more.”

She gave a throaty chuckle that made me want to smile.

“Oh darn…” Her voice was airy and sarcastic, and I loved it.

She was quiet for the rest of the drive, staring out the window as we eventually pulled up to the hotel.

“This is going to cost a fortune,” she murmured as we parked.

“That’s not your problem,” I ground out. “Don’t worry about it.”

She gave me a sidelong look, but didn’t say anything else about it. For a minute.

“You realize we also don’t have any clothes.”

“That’s fine,” I shrugged off her comment. “You don’t need any with what I have planned.”

Freya burst into nervous giggles.

“We’ll need a swimsuit if we want to go into the water.”

Pausing right outside the automatic doors, I turned to her and took her face between my palms.

“I’ll get you a swimsuit and new clothes. This is a vacation where we can get to know each other without the pressure of anything else getting in the way.”

“Sure, but it’ll be so expensive…”

“It’s just money, Frey.”

Another scoff.

“It’s never just money. There’s never enough money. We can have a great stay here without spending this much.”