Dad fidgeted hard in his arms, but Ash’s arm muscles bunched up and started to close in around his throat until he tapped Ash on the elbow to call uncle.
That quick, Ash released Dad, who dropped immediately to his knees at Ash’s feet.
Mom gave Ashton a look of irritation as Dad managed to get back onto his feet enough to hobble toward the chair with the whiskey in front of it. Downing it, he finally looked at me with the glass to his lips and a scowl on his brow.
“Now,” Mom started, crossing her hands in her lap. “While we’re being civilized here, why don’t you tell us what in the world is going on between you two.”
There was a long, uncomfortable silence that felt basically unbearable, so I pulled on my metaphorical big girl panties and started talking. Fuck Ashton for being right about needing to discuss this.
“I love him,” I blurted, looking first at Mom, then at Dad who looked more than pissed.
“You love him?” Mom parroted back.
“Yes, and he loves me, too. Nothing you say will change my mind.”
“He's old enough to be your fucking dad!” Dad shouted.
Looks like that whiskey didn't do much to settle his nerves.
“Sixteen years,” I agreed. “But years don't suddenly make a person not right for you. Not when you're an adult, anyway.”
“He's like a brother to you!” He tried a different tactic.
“I think what your father is trying to say,” Mom interrupted, “is that he watched you grow up. We took him into our family like a son, and this feels like a big betrayal. He was supposed to watch out for you, not get into a relationship with you.”
“I mean, I've always liked him. He's hot. Always has been. But something changed this time. I don't know what it was, but we just… clicked.”
“You mean you finally became legal,” Dad spat.
“That had nothing to do with it and you fucking know it, Tom,” Ash put in. “You want to know what changed? I did. And for the first time in my whole, miserable life, someone saw me as more than a Marine. More than a body. Freya sees my soul and for the first time in that many years, I don't just feel necessary, I feel loved.”
My heart gave a distinct ‘awww’ in my chest, hearing those words.
“I knew she's too good for me. Believe me. I've told her as much. Still she insists on loving me and… How can a man refuse that?”
“How are you two going to make things work long distance?” Mom asked, looking worried.
“It won't be long distance forever,” he said. “When she's ready, I'll come back here.”
“You're going to be my son-in-law then?” Dad scoffed.
“If I could be so lucky,” he breathed, his hand squeezing mine again so hard it almost hurt.
“We're just figuring things out right now,” I admitted. “Give us a minute to breathe and we will figure it out. Trust me to do what's best for me.”
Mom's eyes traveled back and forth between Ashton and me, finally settling on mine after looking like she'd come to some sort of conclusion.
“On Friday, we expect you both for dinner. In the meantime, take that time to breathe and figure out what this is. In this, you're not the only one with a dog in the race, so consider Tom and Ashton's relationship when you consider your own.”
“Of course,” I assured. “Thinking of them is the only reason we waited so damn long.”
“Bullshit,” Dad grumbled, eyeing his empty glass regretfully. “The only person you’re thinking about is yourself.”
And that was it. There was no other way to convince my family that I was in it for the right reasons.
“I’m not a fucking kid, wet behind the ears,” Ash said finally, standing and pulling me up with him. “I may not know exactly what I’m doing, but I can tell you this. I wouldn’t have risked everything for a girl I just wanted to fuck.”
Ashton pulled me toward the door with a weary glance at my Mom, but Dad jumped out of his seat and followed, voice rising with every step.