“She is my mate, but not all mates can—”

“I second the motion,” his grandmother says.

She stares Midas down, daring him to refuse. I’m not sure what the test is, but I can tell we have to go through with it now.

Midas grits his teeth and turns to face me. He’s shaking with anger. A look of fear clouds the fire in his eyes.

I lick my dry lips and stand a little taller, refusing to let them intimidate me. I know I’m Midas’s mate. There’s no doubt. If they want me to prove it, so be it. “What do we have to do?”

Midas opens his mouth to answer, but his grandmother cuts him off. “You need to mate under the gold.”

“You want us to have sex? In here?”

“Not in there. Under.”

I think about how long Gunther and Jillia were under the liquid last night. “It’s some kind of magic pool, right? It’ll be fine.”

Midas cups my cheek. “You can’t breathe under the gold, Jeslyn. The transformation normally takes a little while, but a reasonable amount of time to hold your breath. A test requires that both parties orgasm before the transformation will occur.”

I’m still trying to piece together what he’s telling me when Cyrus cuts in.

“If you surface before you transform, you are not Midas’s mate.”

“And I won’t transform until we both orgasm.” I say the words slowly, all of it coming together.

“Dragons can hold their breath longer than humans,” Midas says, smoothing a hand over my head. “This is risky. If you stay under too long, you could…” His voice breaks. “I won’t do it.” He spins around to face his brother. “I won’t put her at risk. Have my throne. I want Jeslyn.”

Cyrus reels back. It’s clear he didn’t expect that.

I touch Midas, turning him to face me. “I want to do this.”


I cover his mouth with my forefinger. “I love you. I’m yours. I have no doubt.”

He throws his head back and groans, then sweeps me into a kiss. When he pulls back, his hand gently brushes from my cheek into my hair. “Take a deep breath.”

I pull as much air as I can into my lungs and plunge under the liquid gold, still wrapped in Midas’s arms. Before the tip of my head is all the way under, his cock is sliding into me, stretching me, filling me. Holding me close, we begin to thrust and grind against each other. I’m already climbing towards my release, but I suddenly realize something I hadn’t thought of before.

How will we know if the other one has come? With all this liquid, there’s not the same friction. Without being able to breathe, there won’t be any gasping or moaning to let on. I can’t even see Midas.

As if he can feel my tense anxiety, he squeezes my ass and pulls me closer, thrusting more intently, pulling me back into the present moment. I have to trust my mate. We’ll know. Neither of us will surface too soon.

My body sings from his attention, and I relax into the sensations. With other senses cut off, my sense of touch is heightened. His slick body consumes my thoughts. His hands are all over me, and mine are all over him.

As my lungs burn, our movements turn desperate. Our lives and our future literally depend on this orgasm. Normally, that kind of pressure would make me freeze, but right now it just heightens my arousal. Even my breathlessness heightens the sensations coursing through me.

My stomach tightens. His thrusts become erratic. More aggressive. Somehow I can feel the dragon in him, begging to be set free. Fire burns through my veins. My lungs constrict. Body overpowers brain. Raw, animalistic desperation. I’m prey before a predator, scratching and fighting to remain alive. Like my human body is fighting back, but then Midas reaches one hand behind me, claiming my ass. His other hand presses between my shoulder blades, locking me against him. My inner walls expand as his cock grows even bigger.

He’s fighting the transformation, waiting for me, but barely holding on.

My body burns with pleasure and fire. I feel as if my insides are trying to burst out of my skin. His dragon cock slides against my g-spot and my aching lungs can’t hold back anymore. I gasp, and Midas covers my lips a second before gold rushes in.

His air becomes my own. His body encircling mine. My pussy bursting with his cock. I scream into his mouth as my whole body convulses. Midas jerks and shudders.

I feel his orgasm just as strongly as my own. Pleasure rips through me, tearing me apart. I throw back my head as I feel my jaw elongate. Wings burst from my back. A tail whips out from behind me. My nails turn to claws and I dig them into Midas’s scales as he digs his into mine.

We cling to each other as our wings flap in tandem. He doesn’t pull out of me. He thrusts deeper as we lift to the surface. His dragon wanting a taste of what his human just had. Mine wanting the same.