“Yeah.” I grin at her. “I do.”

Even though I’ve never done anything this reckless before, I love it. Because I love him, and I know we’re supposed to be together.

Chapter 26

We arrive at the temple at noon. A priestess leads us to a room with two deep pools. One filled with warm water and the other with cold. We both bathe, then dress in white shifts, exactly like the ones Gunther and Jillia wore yesterday.

By the time we’re ready, I’m buzzing like my whole body has been plugged into an electrical outlet. Midas pulls me into his chest and whispers into my hair, “It’s going to be okay.”

“I kn-know.” My teeth chatter. It’s only partly from the cold. “It’s just a lot. After today, I won’t be human anymore. Not to mention that this is essentially an eternally binding wedding ceremony.”

“Have you changed your mind?” His voice quivers as he asks the question.

I look up at him, and some semblance of calm returns. “No. I want this.”

And it’s the truth. Saying it aloud helps calm my nerves and his touch quiets my last remaining hesitations.

Holding my hand, he leads me out of the little bathing room, into the main sanctuary where the rest of the horde is already gathered.

“Who’s going to ask the questions, since you’re going through the transformation with me?” I whisper.

He grits his teeth and scowls. “The next in succession.”

“Your brother?”

A snarl accompanied by a nod answers my question.

“Who is it that wishes to join the horde?” Cyrus’ voice bellows through the room.

“Please tell me he doesn’t have any control over whether this works or not,” I whisper.

Midas squeezes my hand. “It’s in the hands of the goddess, not my brother.”

I notice he doesn’t reassure me that it always works. A lump forms in my throat as I step forward. “Jes—” My voice squeaks. I stop and swallow before continuing more firmly. “Jeslyn Tallow.”

“Do you understand the choice you’re making?” His cold eyes narrow on me.

“I do.”

The rest of the questions fly by in a blur, my frantic heartbeat drowning out my focus. I’m glad I saw the ceremony yesterday. I know what I’m agreeing to, what I’m saying, but my nerves are making everything a little fuzzy and dazed.

Before I know it, Midas is stepping towards the pool and taking off his shift. I hadn’t really thought about how gross it is to be stepping into a pool of gold and blood until this moment, but it makes my feet stall. Midas looks back at me, a silent question in his eyes. Seeing him gives me strength. I take a deep breath, keep my eyes glued on my mate, and try to ignore the horde of dragons looking at me as I lift off my dress.

Fire sparks in Midas’s eyes, and it makes my stomach flip, instantly replacing my nerves with another feeling. I smile coyly as I step towards his outstretched hand.

The pool is warm, but not hot, like a tepid bath. The golden liquid is thicker than water and smooth against my skin. It feels amazing, like liquid silk. We walk down to the deepest part of the pool and turn to face Cyrus.

The look he gives us is one of victory. My stomach bottoms out, heart racing.

“I revoke my challenge,” he says, loud enough for the horde to hear. My relief battles with dread because he’s still looking at us as if he’s backed us into a trap.

His hand shoots into the air, silencing the dragons who all started whispering at his proclamation.

“I call for a test,” he says.

“You’d put my mate at risk! You little—” Midas surges towards his brother.

I grab his arm at the same time his brother says, “If she’s really your mate, it shouldn’t be a problem.”