Finley’s eyes narrow even more. She silently waits for him to go on. I hold my breath, wondering what he’s going to say, how much he’s going to tell her.

“I’d like you both to move in with me. Today.”

“What the hell?” Finley takes a giant step back. She’s looking at Midas like he’s a serial killer or something. If she knew what he really is, she’d probably be even more terrified.

I cross my arms and glare at him. “I thought we agreed I’d be spending tonight on my own.”

His gaze hardens. “You asked. I don’t remember agreeing.”

“Wow,” Finley says. “Just wow. This guy is all kinds of red flags, Jess.” She grabs my arm and tugs me away from Midas. My heart lurches like someone wrapped a thread around it and pulled it too tight. I dig in my feet.

“It’s not what you think, Fin.” This is not going how I planned. I need Finley to like Midas if there’s any chance that I might choose him.

He rubs at his chest like he feels the same tight pull. His eyes close, and he takes a few deep breaths, getting his dragon under control. When he opens his eyes again, the fire is gone.

“Forgive me. You’re right, I came on too strong. But…” He swallows. I know what he doesn’t say. It hurts to even think of being apart. Even my sister triggers his jealous, possessive side.

Shaking free of Finley, I wrap my arms around him and squeeze. “I understand, Midas. But we can’t move in with you. Not yet.”

He cups the back of my neck and brings my face an inch away from his. “The next time I ask, you’re going to say yes.”

The assured confidence in his tone makes my insides quiver with anticipation. He’s right about this fated mates thing—even if I don’t understand how it can exist outside alien romance novels and werewolf movies, I feel it in every cell. I don’t think I’ll be able to resist this pull for long.

But do I really want to be a part of his world, his horde? Maybe that’s the right word for a group of dragons.

“Are you going to take the fucking dogs or not?” Finley interrupts.

When I look over my shoulder, she’s wearing an expression I’ve never seen from her. It’s protective, worried, and stone cold.

“Don’t talk like that,” I say on instinct. “You know better.”

“So do you,” she mutters under her breath.

I’m not sure why she’s acting like this. We’ve always been so open with each other about sex. Although I guess I’ve never brought a guy around before—especially not one I just met and clearly spent the night with.

And I did leave her alone with six dogs yesterday. Two of which she had to have all night.

I can’t blame her for feeling aggressive considering the situation, but her attitude has Midas on edge. Which is dangerous.

He steps in front of me like a guard. “You’ll talk to your sister with respect.”

Finley glares, but she bites her tongue and shoves the dog leashes at me.

As she walks away, she flings over her shoulder, “Don’t get fired for fucking up your job.”

Midas growls and steps forward. I grab his hand, holding him in place, even though I know he could easily break free. This is going to be a problem. I can’t be with him if my sister hates him and doesn’t trust him.

I also can’t have him getting all riled up every time she acts like a typical teenager, testing boundaries.

“Midas.” There’s a warning in my voice.

He closes his eyes when I say his name, and I can see the tension roll off him. He pulls me into his chest and kisses my forehead. “You’re good for me, Jeslyn.”

I think that might be true. But is he going to be good for me and Finley? Is his world going to be good for us? I’m not sure.

Chapter 15

When I open the door to my apartment the next morning, Midas is already there, pacing the halls.