When I wake again, it’s to a phone ringing. My phone. The ringtone I’ve set for my sister. Wow, that was quite a dream. Dragons and riches and the best orgasms of my life. If all my dreams were like that, I’d never want to wake up.

Blissfully, the ringing stops, and I snuggle deeper into the warmth of my bed. But the phone starts right up again.

With my eyes still closed, I reach for the nightstand, but I only touch soft sheets. I roll over and reach out again. Still no nightstand, only more bed.

I pry my eyes open. I’m in the middle of a bed three times as big as my own. In the room from my dream. Midas’s room. The dragon isn’t anywhere to be seen, but my phone is on the nightstand—a lot farther away than I thought.

Midas walks back into the room just as I answer.

“Hey, Finley.”

“Where the hell are you?” Finley’s voice is more shrill than I’ve ever heard it before, snapping me fully awake.

“What time is it?” I pull the phone away from my face to look at the clock, so I don’t hear whatever she says in response. I just see the numbers at the top of my screen. “Nine thirty at night?!”

“—more than twenty-four hours!” She screams into the phone. “I haven’t been able to get ahold of you for over twenty-four hours!” Her volume drops and I can hear tears when she says, “I called the police, Jeslyn.”

I’ve been asleep for a whole day. Slowly, the midnight celebration at the temple comes back to me. An orgasm that can knock you out for a whole day is one hell of an orgasm.

Midas stands across the room, looking at me with so much guilt it breaks my heart. I give him a soft smile and crook my finger at him. He immediately comes to the bed and wraps his arms around me, whispering, “I’m so sorry.”

I silently mouth, it’s okay.

“I was so worried.” A gasp breaks through Finley’s quiet crying.

“I’m okay, sis.”

Better than okay. But I don’t say that. I don’t want to rub it in that I was having multiple orgasms while she was worried sick.

“What the fuck happened?” The fire is back in her voice.

“Don’t cuss.” It’s clearly not the right moment to reprimand her for having a mouth like a sailor, especially since I’d be saying a lot more than one fuck if Finley disappeared for a day.

“Well?” she snaps.

Guilt settles like a noose around my neck, squeezing my breath as I think about how worried she must have been. How worried I’d be if she was missing.

I should have been more responsible. I shouldn’t have gotten so caught up in everything. Shame tightens the noose as I realize how little I thought about the repercussions of my actions last night—how little I thought about her or how worried she’d be. I didn't even stop long enough to think about a condom! Fuck is right!

Midas rubs my back like he can sense the turmoil brewing inside me.

“I think it’s best if we talk about it in person,” I say into the phone. “I’ll be home in thirty minutes, okay?”

The dragon beside me tightens his hold, but doesn’t say anything.

“Good, cause two of the dogs are still here. The rest were picked up, but I don’t know what to do with these two, and one of them pooped on my bed while you were off in la-la-land with the hot old guy.”

“He’s not old.”

A quiet laugh tickles my ear. “I’m very old, remember?”

Right. Hundreds of years old. What am I thinking? I can’t run off into some magical world and become Queen of the Dragons. I have a sister I need to take care of—a task I’m barely managing as it is. How am I supposed to keep her safe around hundreds of dragons, let alone care for her while also being responsible for a… kingdom? Clan? I really need to figure out what a group of dragons is called. And what it would mean to be their Queen.

“Just get here. These dogs are driving me crazy.”

Her words finally penetrate everything else circling in my mind. Shit, I was supposed to take Charlie and Ray back to their owners at ten this morning. I glance down at my phone. Sure enough, they’ve both been texting and calling, probably worried sick. I feel like crap for how I failed them and my sister. I’m definitely not ready to lead a dragon clan—I’m going with clan, I guess.

“Look, Finely, I need you to do me a favor.”