“I told you there are options. This is one of them. The Week of the Goddess starts at midnight with a… party. A continuation of the one that started earlier. It’s a celebration that happens only once every decade. During Goddess Week, those with human mates must bring their mates to the temple and give them the choice to become one of us or lose their memories of our world.”

This is too much. I’ve known this man for less than twenty-four hours, and he wants me to marry him and become a dragon?! Surprisingly, I would marry him right now, but becoming a dragon feels different. That’s a lot to take in. And a queen? Well, that makes me want to run and hide. I’m not queen material. I can barely manage myself, let alone my sister and her needs. There’s no way I can be responsible for a whole—kingdom? Community? Clan?—what do you call a group of dragons?

But giving up my memories of Midas… I can’t imagine doing that either.

“Okay,” I say, trying to calm my racing heart and take stock of what this all means. “So we’ve got ten years to try this out, and then I can decide if I want to be a dragon. Is that what I’m hearing?” That doesn’t sound that bad. Although, spending ten years with Midas and then having all of that erased would be even more miserable than just forgetting this one night.

His expression is sad as he tucks my hair behind my ear. And I realize what I missed. “You’d lose your throne if I wait until the next Goddess Week, wouldn’t you?”

“Yes.” He lets out a slow breath. “There are laws. A human mate has until the Goddess Week after they meet to decide. No longer. Because we met yesterday, you have till the end of this week.”

I can’t sit still anymore, so I stand up and pace. “What about my sister?”

His silence is an answer, but after I make a few more laps, he says softly, “There’s the chance that she will meet a mate and have the option to become a dragon too.”

“She’s in highschool!”

“She’d have until the next Goddess Week. Ten years from now.”

I sink to the floor, overwhelmed by all of it. Midas wraps his arms around me. “Look at me, Jeslyn. I won’t force you into anything. We have the week. Give me that. Just the week.”

I let out a slow breath. “I guess… I can do that.”

“Good.” He stands up and holds out his hand to help me to my feet. “We have another party to get to.”

Chapter 12

Midas surprises me with another new outfit. Monica must have used my measurements to find it, because it fits perfectly. Leather pants that hug my curves, a fitted sweater, and a leather jacket that might be the softest thing I’ve ever felt.

Clearly, whatever happens at midnight is different from the party we were at earlier.

Midas watches me dress, then hits a button on the wall that opens the sliding glass doors. He shifts into his dragon form right there in the bedroom. From behind, he nudges his head between my legs until I spread them, then lifts so that I slide down his neck and onto his back.

I guess he figures I’m used to it and don’t need to be tied in this time. Maybe he worried I would be so shocked before that I’d fall off. But even with his massive size, I can still fit my arms around his neck to hold on, and I trust him. He’ll catch me if I slip off. I know he will.

Once I’m settled in place, he jumps from the window and takes off into the air. This time I’m not cold at all, despite the biting wind. Thank you, Monica.

We fly faster than we did before, Midas clearly trying to make up time since the party is supposed to start in just a few minutes. I have to cling tightly to his neck to keep from slipping off, but I’m not afraid. He’s got me.

He flies out over the water, and I wonder where we’re going as we pass the Statue of Liberty. Not long after, a shimmering island comes into view. Definitely not somewhere on the map. A hidden island. A magic island. This night just keeps getting more and more unbelievable.

At the top of the cliffs, there’s a sandstone structure that looks like a temple. Massive pillars line the outside of the round building. Giant archways beckon to us with warm flickering light that suggests torches and fires.

We land at the top of a bluff, and Midas lets me climb off before shifting back to his human form. He’s completely naked, but doesn’t seem at all alarmed by it. When we enter the temple, I understand why.

No one is wearing clothes. They’re all naked. And unashamed about it. I guess if you rip your garments every time you shift, you get comfortable being naked when you shift back. Or maybe they’re brazen because they all look like gods and goddesses. The only thing that mares anyone here is their scars. Many of them have thick slashing scars down their backs or across their chests. But it only adds to their mystery and beauty. Like the scar on Midas’s cheek.

The imperfection compliments their perfections and makes them even more beautiful. I want to know each of their stories.

Everyone is staring at me, and I’m not sure if it’s because I’m overdressed, or if it’s because I’m the only human here.

“You shouldn’t have brought her,” Cyrus hisses when we enter. “The first night of Goddess Week is sacred, and you defile it with a lie.”

“There is no lie here, Cyrus.” Midas’s voice is heavy with power. It makes more than a few people tremble. “Jeslyn is my mate and your Queen. She deserves to be here just as much as you.”

“Is she decided then?” A woman steps forward with a slight drop of her head in deference to Midas. She’s tall and thin, with hair as white as porcelain, thick and long, draped over her shoulders like a robe. Her gaze flickers with fire as she gives me a piercing look. “She does not look like one ready to be transformed.”

Someone else calls out from the back of the group, “If she’s undecided, she shouldn’t be here. Tonight is for dragons!”