Slowly, I relax into his guidance, letting him manipulate my body, lead me where he wants. Spinning and dipping and sweeping me around the dance floor. He takes over completely, allowing me to just enjoy the music and the feel of his firm body against my soft one.

I press my cheek into his chest, relishing the warm scent of him. Wood smoke and thunderstorms.

He consumes all of my senses. I’m barely aware of the rest of the group. Each touch lights me up, fires every nerve ending in my body. I lean closer, wanting this dance to be something more. Something much more. I want to see the muscles I can feel through his suit. I want nothing between us.

He guides us around the dance floor for a few songs, then stops and leads me through a floor-to-ceiling archway that opens onto a massive rooftop patio. It’s cold out tonight, but there are heaters and open fires, giving it a glowing, festive feel. There are elegant lounging couches sprinkled throughout the space, and a few couples or small groups, sitting, talking, laughing.

On some of the farthest couches from the party, I notice some couples are doing a lot more, and I wonder if that’s where he’s taking me.

But he doesn’t lead me into the dark corners. He stops at a couch near a fire and close to the archway. “Rest. I’ll get us something to drink.”

Caught up in the dance, I hadn’t realized how much I needed to sit down. But Midas noticed and took care of the need I didn’t realize I had. The knowledge that he’s that in tune to me makes me feel things I shouldn’t feel.

“My lady.” A man roughly my age stands in front of me. His ruffled hair is so blond and shiny it looks like waves of gold, tumbling forward as he bows.

I giggle, still breathless from the dance. “I’m not a lady.”

Unless you want to add cleaning to the front of the title.

He frowns, brows creased. “May I sit?”

“I don’t see why not.” Most of the other couches are already taken, so I scoot over, leaving plenty of room for him. He’s large, like Midas, and, like everyone else at this party, he’s gorgeous.

“Are you enjoying yourself?” he asks.

“Very much.” I try to keep my blush hidden by searching for Midas in the main room. The twirling guests create a stunning display, like I’ve stepped out of modern life and into a ball from another era.

Angling myself towards the man, I ask, “Could you tell me something?”

“Anything.” His smile is mischievous and more than a little seductive. I blush and scoot back a little. He must have arrived late and missed Midas kissing me so possessively. Or maybe he just likes a challenge. But I don’t want to cause any trouble, and Midas is the only one I’m interested in.

“What’s this party for?” I ask.

He sits up straighter and looks more closely at me. “You don’t know? Wait, how do you know Midas?”

“Honestly?” My hands fidget in my lap. He motions for me to go on. I spit it out in one breath. “I crashed into him on the sidewalk this afternoon when the dogs I was walking got out of control.”

The man’s countenance changes, eyes narrowing even as his lips lift in a closemouthed smile. “So you’re human?”

“Yeah, well, we can’t all be perfect.” I laugh, because everyone at this party seems to be just that. They’re abnormally attractive, dripping in gold and jewels, and dancing without missing a step.

“It’s not like Midas to bring an outsider into our circle.” The way he’s looking at me makes me feel like an insect under a microscope.

Waving my hand at the surrounding opulence, I say, “Just call me Cinderella.”

I try to make light of my situation, but only sound stilted and awkward.

Rather than argue, he places a hand on my knee and gives me a smile. “You should enjoy it while—”

He’s cut off by a low growling sound behind me. I look back to see Midas glaring at the man.

“Get. Your. Hands. Off. Her.”

The man removes his hand from my knee and grins up at Midas. “We were just getting to know each other.”

“Touch her again, Cyrus, and I’ll rip your wings from your spineless scales.”

The threat is odd, but his protectiveness does things to me that I don’t want to admit. I shouldn’t be turned on by him being a jealous ass, but I am.