Page 87 of Knot so Sweet

“Let’s go.”

I floor the accelerator; the engine screams in protest as the sidewalk nears as do parked cars. Ella gasps as we careen around another corner.

“We’re almost there!” I shout as blood thrashes in my ears. “Hang on!”

Ella’s hand grips the seat belt, her knuckles white as we swerve onto a side street and see the black car is following again, its lights flashing in our rearview mirror.

“Fuck!” I take a sharp right, dodging a parked car as we speed down the road. Hitting the brakes before fishtailing into a U-turn, just in time to see the black car barreling towards us.

I slam on the gas, my heart pounding in my chest as we speed away. Ella’s eyes lock on the side of my head.

I turn into a narrow side street, and race to the end and turn left, and then right into another side street. There’s no way he’ll catch up to us now.

Ella stares over her shoulder for what feels like forever. “I think you lost him.”

“We’re almost there,” I repeat, my voice strained with tension. “Just hold on.”

As we sped towards the beach access, I take a sharp left onto a street lined with a row of houses. The black sedan is nowhere in sight as the moonlight glistens off the ocean up ahead.

As we approach the access, I slam the car into park, and Ella’s seat belt snaps taut.

“Get out!” I yell, my voice strained with urgency.

“What about you?” Ella’s watery eyes are wide and round.

“I want to know you’re safe before I come back. Because when I return, he needs to die.”

“Jake. I’m scared.”

“I know, baby. Me too. But please get out of the car.”

“I can smell you, Jake.”

My eyes lock on hers. We’ve never spoken about our perfumes. I’ve been too scared to know she’s not a match, despite her small claiming mark.

I swallow. “Can we talk about it when I get back?”

“I love you, Alpha. I want you to know you’re mine, just in case…”

“Ella ... get out of the car and run!”

She doesn’t. She shakes her head, like she needs to talk to me. “The smell is not your sweaty gym body smell. It’s your alpha scent.” She swallows at the same time as me. “And even if I don’t smell of vanilla and raspberries to you, you will always be my alpha. If you’ll keep me.”

“Fuck Ella. You’re mine.” I choke.

“I am,” she cries.

“Yes. Now run to Gabe.”

She yanks the door open and stumbles out of the car, her eyes darting back to me before she runs. When she gets to the end of the access. Gabe steps in front of her, grabs her hand, and … they disappear.

I speed away.

The world falls silent except for my breathing and the ringing in my ears. She escaped, and that is all I needed, but I know her life is always going to be on the line. Her past had caught up to us. Before I was prepared to run away with her again. But what if we don’t need to? I’ve found not only my omega in Ella and I feel I have a pack in Walker and Gabe.

My mind is clear.

I know what I have to do.