Page 83 of Knot so Sweet

“Oh.” Her glazed eyes glance at the floor for a moment. “I just assumed my body would think it was a beta.”

“I doubt it.”

I reach for the box and remove the knotty ring and place it on the table.

Sienna raps her fingertips on the table. “Show us what it does.”

“Nothing yet,” I say, disappointed.

“So this is for betas,” Grace says, touching the knotty part of the ring with her fingertip.

“Yeah.” I smile as I pick it up. “Once I have the dimensions on the knot just right, I’ll remove the silicone and insert little balloons into the knot and they’ll connect to these small cylinders on the ring.” I point to the open end of the ring and show the connection.

“And how will it inflate?” Grace asks. Her eyes are almost black as she slides her tongue over her bottom lip.

“The beta will control it with this.” I show her a ring that slips over the beta’s middle finger and the button that rests on the palm. “When he needs to, he’ll press the button against the omega’s body.”

“Can it inflate too much?” Sienna asks, crossing her legs and grimacing.

I chuckle. “No, that’s why I have silicone in the knot right now. Once the silicone is removed and dried, air will only increase to the same volume the knot has already been expanded.”

“I’ll have one,” Grace says, pushing out her chair and rushing to the counter where a customer waits. “I’ll be a minute.”

I glance up and spot the car that was around a few days ago.

“The stalker is back,” I say to Sienna under my breath. A deep shiver runs down my spine that doesn’t feel good.

She looks through her eyelashes, much more discreetly than she normally would. “Mm. I wonder if it’s because Grace is emitting her perfume like a lady in the department store.”

“I’m going to leave.”

“You’re going now?” Sienna asks, surprised.

“Walker is sitting in his car on the opposite side of the road. I doubt anything will happen to me.”

“Ah, you have your very own stalker?”

I push out my chair and smile. “As long as it’s only the one.”

I grab my things and head out the door, giving Grace a quick wave as I pass by the counter. Stepping outside, the thick humid air hits me instantly. I take a deep breath, trying to clear my head, but my nose picks up a faint, ashy scent.

Looking around, I spot the black sedan parked across the street, the windows heavily tinted, but I can just about make out the figure inside.

My shoulders tense as I race to my car, keys already in hand. Unlocking the door, my neck hairs stand. I pause, listening intently. Nothing but the normal sounds of the city reach my ears, but I can’t shake off the uneasy feeling.

Climbing into my car, I quickly lock the doors before starting the engine. I keep my eyes glued to the rearview mirror as I pull out onto the road. The black sedan doesn’t move, but Walker’s Bentley pulls from the curb.

I relax as he follows me.

I head straight home, constantly checking my mirrors for the entire drive. There’s something soothing in knowing Walker is following, but when I see him pull off the road when I near my home, my nerves fray again.

As soon as I park my car outside my apartment, I slam the stick into park and sprint for the front door, fumbling with my keys. I all but fall inside, slamming my body against the door as I flick the catch and lock myself inside.

Leaning back against the door, I take a few deep breaths, trying to calm my racing heart.

The ashy scent has my nerves in tatters, but nobody was around. Certainly not the one person I’ve smelled that scent on before.

Your mind is playing tricks on you because it’s on your mind.