Page 64 of Knot so Sweet

The aftermath of my heat, no doubt.

He doesn’t answer, and I sigh as I turn away first. Hating he has a secret he doesn’t want to share.

I rub my hands over my lower belly as Walker watches me as I rub away the ache.

“Are you okay?” he asks, his blue eyes searching for a lie. “Do you need a doctor?”

“I’m fine.” I shake my head and turn to Gabe, narrowing my eyes as I think about his words. “What does that mean? I have to.”

“We’ll speak in private later,” Gabe says, picking up a pastry and taking a bite as he glances out to the sea and I know the conversation has ended.

I turn to Walker, waiting for him to give me a sign. Something to let me know everything will be fine.

“He’s nervous about bonding.”

“Oh.” My voice is so quiet that I doubt Gabe or Walker heard a sound.

Up until Gabe turned indifferent, my happiness with this pack was overwhelming. Now I’m not sure how I feel about such a big step.

I like being with Walker and Gabe. They make me feel protected, but they seem to have forgotten that this was a deal, not forever.

“Then it’s a good job our time together is nearly over.”

Walker is talking about bonding and about making it forever. But his pack mate clearly isn’t interested.

“Eleanor Darling, you know as well as I do that this was never about the money or the time,” Walker says. “You’re here to stay.”

We’ll see about that.

There’s no way I’ll be staying if one pack mate doesn’t want me. I’ll certainly not be bonding with alphas who are holding back secrets. “We should see how this pack gels together first,” I reply. “It’s certainly too early to be talking about bonds.”

Maybe Gabe doesn’t really want you.

Maybe Gabe did this for Walker.

“Of course. We’ll never claim you until you ask for it, or present your neck,” Walker replies.

I know when I was in heat that I had to pull myself out of my lucidity to stop me from begging to be claimed. There was a part of me who wanted to feel the permanent bond of all my men.

My heat must have coated me in sugar and sunshine because now I’m not feeling the pack bond.

“I need to speak to Jake.”

After all, I promised him, it would only be us once these five days were over.

I pace my bedroom, periodically glancing out of the window, not only at the beautiful landscape but also because I left Gabe and Walker at the tree, and they’re still chatting.

I check the time, wondering where Jake is. I need him to drive to our apartment so I can pick up my car, then I plan to visit Sienna at the bistro where she works.

I pluck up my cell, ready to call him, when I notice a missed call from my sister, Layla. I haven’t spoken to my younger sister since I left. But I sent her a message with a new number to use in emergencies, asking her not to give it to my mom or stepfather.

I call my voicemail service and listen to her message.

“I’ve been sold. I don’t know where I’m going, and I’m leaving tonight.” Her voice is choked with a deep sob. “I’m sorry I didn’t run away with you now. I love you, Ella. Don’t come back.”

I listen to her voicemail again.

Anger winds around my spinal column, and breathing hard, I stand tall and find a number on my contact list that I never expected to call again. Hitting it before I can change my mind.