Page 6 of Knot so Sweet

I love living here.

“Before I do, I want to talk to you about us.” He takes my hand again. Our fingers intertwine. The touch sends electric waves through me.


He swallows, a small ripple scattering down his throat as he stares ahead.

Did I use the wrong tone?

He turns the key, and the car roars to life, the gentle hum of the engine blends with the soothing sound of the rain pattering against the windows.

I want to ask more about the need to talk in private, but I’m more excited that there’s suddenly an ‘us.’ Before today, I’ve never been under any illusions that we’re anything other than friends.

I love Jake. He gives me a sense of calm and, obviously, security. He shielded me from the chaos of my life. Protecting me when nobody else did.

Just like an alpha should.

I love being with him, even if it’s only as his friend, because he sneaked his way into my heart. Not that I’ve told him as much.

To be honest, it’s because I’m scared there’s a chance when my scent kicks in he won’t smell me as his. I can’t bear the thought of him not wanting me as I do him.

But does he want more, regardless?

As we drive, I steal glances at him, his eyes fixed on the road ahead as he maneuvers around cars.

I’m so lost in my thoughts; I don’t realize how far we’ve driven until I notice the landscape changing around us. We’ve left behind the familiar cityscape, replaced now with the beach close to where we live.

“Talk to me about us.” My voice is full of hope.

The waves crash against the shore up ahead, their rhythm matching the pounding of my heart as anticipation fills the air.

Jake parks the car near a secluded spot, where the sound of seagulls echo in the distance.

He turns to me, looking vulnerable all of a sudden. “I’ve been thinking about us a lot lately,” he begins, “And I’ve realized that I can’t imagine my life without you. I want…”

My breath catches in my throat as his words hang in the air. “What do you want?” I ask, longing for more.

He stares at me and there’s something in his expression that both thrills and scares me—uncertainty—that’s something I’ve never seen until now.

“Jake...” I start, but before I can gather my thoughts, he reaches into his pocket. My heart is in my mouth as he pulls out a small box. “Jake...”

His eyes meet mine for a moment and my heart thuds so wildly, I hear the beats in my ears.

He opens the box—inside is a USB stick.

My heart stops. It’s not what I was expecting.

I narrow my eyes as I look from the stick to Jake, and see his finger is pressed over his lips.

He takes the USB and a piece of paper from his pocket.

“Read it,” he mouths.

I unfold the paper and read the note;