Page 47 of Knot so Sweet

“I want all of you,” she whimpers.

Swallowing hard, I take a deep breath, my heart pounding in my chest. Gabe and Jake look at me, surprise flashing in their eyes.

“Are you sure about this?” Gabe asks, his voice a little rough. “Are you asking us to be yours? Your pack?”

It’s a little unorthodox for an omega to make this choice. In this world, omegas are devoid of decision-making powers.

But there is something so sweet about an omega choosing you.

“Yes, I want you all as my alphas.”

Gabe’s eyes meet Jake’s, a silent understanding between the two men. Because Gabe is convinced that Jake is going to deceive us.

But her making the choice makes everything different. Jake will know this is his chance to forge a bond unlike any other, not only with his omega, but with his pack. And if he doesn’t, he may lose his omega forever.

“Someone please touch me,” she begs.

Chapter 15


“Do you need a bath? A cool shower,” I ask.

“No, I need the ache to go away.” Her voice is high-pitched with a whine. “I need my alphas.”

“Don’t worry princess, you’re going to get everything you need and more.” Walker’s voice is rough, like sandpaper has scratched at his throat.

“Jake...” She squeezes my hand. “We’re good, aren’t we?”

Her beautiful navy blue irises analyze my face, looking for any inkling of hurt.

I know she’s concerned it’s not just me and her. But I know I can’t give her what a pack can. Not when she’s in heat.

Soon I’ll be able to. But today I’ll use the experience to learn everything I need to for when Ella and I are alone.

Gabe flicks his gaze at mine. Waiting for my answer.

“We’re better than good, Ella. We’re perfect. You’re perfect. And this...” I pause for a beat. “This is going to be just perfect.”

Ella reaches for my face, stroking her fingers over my jaw. I notice the darkness of her gaze, knowing she’s losing her grip against her heat.

“And we’ll be okay, Jake?” Her words come out in a mumbled rush.


She smiles and holds out her hand as she gives me a tight smile. I take it and nuzzle around her soft skin, kissing her scarred wrist just like Walker does to her.

She sighs, a breath of relief showing on her face. “I’m ready. Are you?” Each syllable that passes through her lips seems to scrape along the back of her throat, causing a raspy tone, like she’s been shouting for hours on end or gasping as she tries to hold on to the reality she’s slowly losing her grip on.

Walker holds his hand on her sweaty forehead. “We need to get her temperature down.”

She smiles, and her eyes close for a moment as she holds her body still and groans. Her head shakes rapidly. “I need a knot.”

I’ve not been versed in how to treat an omega when in heat. I only know their needs become greater than an alpha’s at that time.

“Just a knot. That’s all I need,” she says it like she knows despite never having gone through a heat before. “The cramps are...” She groans.

“Good girl. They’re just irritating now. Now keep telling us how you’re feeling.” Walker says, slight humor in his tone. “How much do you need your alphas?”