Page 44 of Knot so Sweet

“Probably to help you feel safe,” Jake offers.

“But my dad died in vain,” I say, my words scratching my throat.

Walker steps forward but doesn’t breach my nest. “No. Your father died saving his daughters. Mark my words, you would not be alive today had it not been for your father.”

I turn on the nest, burying my head into the sheets. My body aches, but nothing is as bad as the pain I felt the night I found out my perfect dad had been murdered. “I need to be alone.”

Chapter 14


“She’ll call us when she’s ready,” I tell Jake, who is pacing the floor. His footsteps remind me another storm is brewing.

Outside, the white peaks of the raging sea get higher and angrier. I have a feeling Ella is feeling the same way, and my alpha wants to go to her, take away her pain, but we’ll wait until she requests us again.

“Here.” Gabe hands me a glass of bourbon.

I swirl the amber liquid in the glass, watching as it coats the sides before I take a sip, and let the fiery liquid warm my insides.

“She needs us now,” Jake grunts.

We made him follow us downstairs when he wanted to stay by her side.

I shake my head. “Not yet.”

I know Eleanor better than anyone else. She needs some time alone to gather her thoughts and, like the queen she is, she’ll soon be throwing orders again.

I smile. I love that about her. Love that she never let what happened to her father break her. Instead, she decided her life needed changing, threw caution to the wind, and sought a new life for herself.

And like then, I can wait.

“She’ll be ready soon,” I promise, as Gabe hands Jake a glass of bourbon to calm his needy hormones. “Is this your first heat?”

A ripple skates down Jake’s throat. “I waited for her.”

“I thought you were best friends?”

“We were before her mother took her away, but we kept in contact because I knew she was mine. I also knew she wasn’t ready for me. She was too busy being worried about her sisters to think about herself. But when her sister Ava was sold, she knew she was next and when she contacted me I didn’t hesitate to help her.”

“And her sex toy business. How did that start?” Gabe asks.

“She needed a toy as her omega developed. She bought a couple of dildos online, but they didn’t make her peak.” He smiles. “Her words, not mine.”

“Go on,” Gabe says.

“She ordered some durable silicone and glue and created a knot with the silicone by injecting it until she was happy with the size. That helped her for a bit. Then she made a sleeve to go over the dildo at the base and used a pump action to grow the knot. She said it was more authentic.”

“She’s a clever girl,” Gabe says.

I grin. “She is.”

“But with a lack of money, she could only use other people’s toys until she noticed she had twenty thousand dollars in her bank account.” Jake hesitates and runs his hand into his dark blond hair and takes a sip of his drink.

I smile. She’ll never know, but I’m the mystery benefactor. I hated she was living the way she was but never expected her to use the money on the development of her idea.

“And that’s when she paid a company to make her prototypes.”

“Has she got lots of ideas?” I ask.