Page 28 of Knot so Sweet

The later it gets, the more enticing the money sounds. Right now, I’m so tempted to abandon everything and take the offer and hope my heat straight tonight.

But at what cost?

The price of my dignity?

My self-respect?

Jake’s betrayal still feels like a blow to the gut, but deep down, I can’t shake off the feeling that he had no choice.

He’s helped me every step of the way. And we’ve been struggling for so long, barely making ends meet. I can’t fault him for wanting so much more.

This offer could change everything for us.

I glance outside. Night falls as the evening progresses. The dim-lit bar becomes more crowded with rowdy patrons with each passing hour.

I wipe away at the sticky mess on the counter, lost in my thoughts, when my cell buzzes against my leg. I quickly scan the area, go to the back of the bar, and read the message.

Anon: Meet me in the abandoned warehouse on the Belmont Estate.

I glance around the bar, wondering who sent it.

Me: Who is this?

Anon: It’s Peter, Bunnykins.

I smile as I reply.

Me: When?

Anon: Tomorrow, 2 pm.

“Can I have a bourbon on the rocks, please?” a deep voice asks from behind me.

I spin to face the customer and freeze. Seeing black hair that now has a scattering of silver running through the sides, perfect blue eyes, and a smile that always made me weak.

I squeal. “Oh, my god.”

I run around the bar and jump into his arms. “What are you doing here?”

“I’ve been looking for you,” he says.

I should be worried he knows where I live, but how can I be concerned about the man who saved my life? The man who my father trusted with his children.

My hero.

“And as your godfather, I knew there was something wrong when I heard you’d run away from home.”

“That was nearly a year ago.”

“I know … I know everything about you, Eleanor Darling. And what I don’t know, I plan to find out.”

I smile because he loves to use my full name, and it always makes me feel giddy inside. I know I shouldn’t feel this way about Walker, but I’ve always had a secret crush on my dad’s best friend.

“How did you find me?” Worry suddenly rests on my nerves.

Had Jake and I left clues to where we were? We thought the way we traveled meant we’d shaken off any potential followers.

“Like the last time. I followed my nose, Eleanor. Your scent is intoxicating.”