Page 13 of Knot so Sweet

Dad was an alpha, but he was also the family photographer. His children, his greatest muses.

Tears sting my eyes. It’s a bittersweet feeling, seeing my sisters smile and the joy that radiates from each image.

As I scroll through the photos, I blink back the tears that well up in my eyes, seeing the love and bond we shared as sisters. A reminder of the unbreakable connection we had before tragedy upended our lives.

I move on to the next folder, my curiosity now fueled by hope rather than fear.

This time, I find a series of audio recordings. I take a moment to gather my strength before pressing play.

“Hey, Eleanor Darling, Avaline Darling here.” I laugh.

We always thought our names were so posh when we were younger, and that was how we introduced each other to strangers.

“I’ve missed you. I’m so desperate to speak to you. I know you’re on the run, Ella. And I’m so proud of you for being so brave.” I choke when I hear her voice. Clear and unwavering, full of courage and, as always, determined.

I’m desperate to run and find Jake and tell him it’s Ava. But for now, I need to find out exactly how I can help my sister.

She’s also on the run, hiding out somewhere where she is scared and alone.

I continue listening to the audio recording, my heart racing with a mix of emotions.

“I trusted Jake’s brothers to get this to you.” Ava’s voice, so familiar and yet so distant, fills the room. “It took me a while because I know our stepfather is looking for us. He wants a bigger payday.”

I hate our stepfather. He never cared what me or Ava went through, only about the money he could earn from selling us.

“I’ve been trying to piece everything together, Ella,” Ava’s voice continues, her tone filled with seriousness. “I’ve been hacking files on the computer at our stepfather’s home, trying to find out who he is talking to. He’s in talks with a mafia family to sell the twins if they awaken as omegas.”

I slam my hand on my chest as my breath catches in my throat. “I need to rescue them from him if that day comes.”

A shiver runs down my spine. I want to tell her to be careful, but this is a one-way conversation. So, instead I listen to more.

“I need to meet you.” Her voice is quiet, as though she thinks she might be overheard or hacked herself. “I’ll find you. Just do everything like you normally do. But Ella, keep everything about our sisters to yourself. Not even Jake can find out.”

A shiver runs down my spine as I realize how much Ava knows about my life when I know nothing about hers.

As I worry about what I can say to Jake about what is on the files. Ava takes away my concerns.

“I hope the twins reveal as betas, but only time will tell.” She continues. “Ella, I know you have a sex toy business, and I have a proposition for you.” Her voice turns into a whisper. “I need you to make me a special toy, and I’ll pay you handsomely for it.”

My mind reels with disbelief as Ava’s request echoes through the room, her words lingering in the air.

A special toy? What could she possibly mean by that? Of course I’ll do anything for my sister, but how does she know about my little business?

“I’ll find you. Don’t look for me.” Ava’s voice cuts into my thoughts. “Love you.”

The message ends.

I sigh. I have to wait for her to find me. I want her to find me now.

After closing the files and powering down my laptop, I sit back and gaze at the screen, feeling a sense of relief wash over me. My sister is alive.

My stomach growls, reminding me it’s been hours since I’ve eaten. Pushing my thoughts of Ava and everything she told me to the back of my mind, I head to the kitchen.

As I enter the room, I find Jake standing over the stove, his sleeves rolled up, showing his muscular forearms. He doesn’t know how much his arms turn me on—maybe it’s time I told him.

I kiss his neck and notice there’s a deep, troubled expression on his face. But he erases it as though it was never there.

“Hey, take a seat.” He smiles before he gestures towards the table set for two. “I made your favorite spicy ramen. Extra spicy, so you can taste it a little.”