Page 8 of My Bully Alpha

I caught the slight twinge of pain in her eyes, and while I didn’t doubt it, since I seemed to recall there had been something odd about her before, I was pissed off by how he seemed to try and sell her to me like a used car.

It seemed she didn’t appreciate his comment for some reason.

At the very least, it was an interesting twist. If it was true, and she could see the future, I had every reason to believe she could be useful.

I came to the grounds fully expecting a fight and to put Sam down once and for all, but after seeing the humiliation on Jane’s face and feeling just how afraid she was, my intentions began to change.

Even if it would play into his hands, taking the poor girl back with me would be a mercy. Even if I didn’t know her all that well, I had the feeling she was being underestimated. That she had some sort of potential nobody else could see.

It was hard for me to believe someone else hadn’t already claimed her.

I knew what Sam was like. I saw with my own eyes how the pack had been declining. My pack would be like paradise in comparison.

As much as I wanted to end Sam right then and there, I knew he’d take my agreement as a win for him, which would give him a false sense of hope. He would be put at ease, and I would have my opportunity to overthrow him down the line.

Despite having waited long enough for my revenge, it seemed I was willing to extend that wait. There was something beyond Jane’s appeal that seemed to reach out to me, and I wanted to understand exactly what it was. I couldn’t do that if she were still in Sam’s pack.

“All right. You have a deal,” I said, taking in the immediate shock wave.

Surprise overcame him as though he had narrowly escaped a car accident, and Sam was grinning ear to ear as he handed her over. To his relief, he’d get to live another day. But those days were limited.

Jane looked just as alarmed as she stepped forward, smelling of pure, uninterrupted terror.

Chapter 4 - Jane

This can’t be happening. Surely, it isn’t.

The thoughts rammed against my skull again and again as I stood across from him, feeling as if I were being passed over to the boogeyman himself.

All color drained from my cheeks, and my skin went cold as ice.

There was no way they had actually agreed. There was no way I was caught in the middle of this.

Levi’s face was void of anything that might indicate what he was thinking, standing there in all his intimidating height, surrounded by his friends like a force to be reckoned with. They each seemed just as domineering, and something was strange about them.

He looked more rugged than before, with his dark brown hair slightly longer and stubble on his jaw and chin. Given the visibly hard muscle that surely had Sam’s nerves in knots, it seemed he had upped his workout regime, too.

Overall, he looked more mature and hardened, obviously favoring time outside in the sun. He was what Sam wanted to be, or maybe how he saw himself.

Levi was gorgeous—even I could admit that. But paired with his reputation, I didn’t know how to feel about it. Regardless, I was still sheepishly curious.

Even if he was an alpha, it didn’t make the situation any better. Between Sam willingly offering me up and the fact that it was to Levi, my mind was reeling faster than I could keep up with.

Looking into his eyes brought back all those unpleasant memories. When Levi used me as his verbal punching bag, isolating me from the others due to his criticisms and mocking words. He put me through hell, and knowing I was to go with him had my stomach in knots.

And yet, he seemed unbothered by it. While I had to carry that burden everywhere I went, he probably forgot all about it.

However, the very slight softening of his eyes while he took me in made me question that thought.

“There, now, isn’t that better than fighting?” Sam asked, looking far too happy as he ushered me forward.

“Don’t push your luck,” Levi growled, returning his stern gaze to the alpha.

He held that glare for another moment, making Sam and the others question what was going to happen next. Then, he gestured for me to follow as he and the others turned to leave.

I was still in disbelief as I stood there, irritated by Sam’s overly enthusiastic smile to watch me leave and confused about why Levi would ever agree to the arrangement. If he had a reason to accept me, then it went completely over my head.

Guessing from how he stormed onto the property demanding to see Sam, he didn’t intend on letting things unravel as they had. He went searching for a fight, not a mate. It didn’t make any sense to me.