Page 57 of My Bully Alpha

“Wherever you go, I’m going too,” Logan piped up with a respectful tip of his head.

With the low murmur came a pack-wide confirmation, and everyone was on the same page.

“Excellent. It’s settled then,” Levi announced, taking in the collective strength of everyone’s consent. “Those who are coming will head there before nightfall before Sam has the chance to come here, and we’ll surround the property like we did last time. To avoid risking any unnecessary casualties, I will challenge him directly. Nobody is to fight anyone else from the pack unprovoked. The goal is to keep the peace and not burn any bridges in the meantime. The outcome of the fight will determine who gets to lead both packs and bring them to harmony. I plan to correct the toxic pack culture Sam has cultivated and to give everyone the life they deserve.”

“Will anyone need to stay back and protect Jane?” Nati asked, face tight with concern.

Levi shook his head. “Jane will be coming with us. I can’t risk Sam sending any of his wolves here to grab her in the meantime. Plus, having her there might be an incentive for Sam to fight me this time.”

Understanding, she nodded, and everyone else seemed to agree.

While it was strange to feel like I was something precious that needed to be protected, I was grateful for their concern and for the fact that Levi wanted me there. In any other case, it would be likely for the alpha to stow his Luna far away from any conflict to keep her out of harm’s way. At the very least, he thought I was capable of holding my own.

As much as watching Levi fight sounded nerve-wracking, I knew I would go crazy if I weren’t there to see the outcome for myself. I needed to know that he was alright.

Even if Sam had greater numbers than us, it was obvious who the true leader was, and with me by his side, Levi’s strength would vastly overpower him. I had to remember that to maintain my sanity.

While Levi continued to speak, I did my best to focus, but everything around me started to look and feel strange. My sight shifted slightly as everything went out of focus, and before I could say anything, I already knew what was coming.

Snapping into place, my perspective shifted, and I was no longer looking at everyone while the meeting continued.

Instead, I was in the other pack’s territory, watching through a haze as two wolves fought. Immediately, I recognized the dark-furred one as Levi, while the sandy-colored one was, without a doubt, Sam.

It was brutal and nasty as they snapped at one another, rolling in an attempt to maul the other. They didn’t hold back.

As Levi seemed to gain the upper hand, overpowering Sam with the right maneuvers, he was moments away from winning.

But before he could, several of Sam’s followers jumped in and distracted him. Tearing Levi’s attention away from Sam left him vulnerable to an attack. I wanted to scream out for him to focus on Sam to prevent him from being seriously hurt.

As Sam’s jaw opened wide for a final blow, the scene dissolved into a cloud of mist, and the premonition shattered.

Blinking through the disorienting change, I found the pack all looking at me as Levi stepped into my vision. The warmth of his touch pulled me back completely, and that panic flooded my system.

“Jane, are you all right?” Levi asked, sounding worried as he held me in place.

I nodded slowly as I regained my bearings with the vision fresh in my mind.

“What did you see, Luna?” Nati asked, keenly aware of what had happened to me.

Swallowing hard, I knew I had to get it out. I had to warn Levi before Sam could even have the chance to pull a fast one on him.

“Sam will agree to the fight, and he’ll hold you off for as long as he can, but he won’t play fair,” I exclaimed, worried about how that deception might affect my mate. “Before you can finish it, some others from the pack will jump in to divert your attention. The premonition ended there, but we can fill in the blanks.”

Levi studied me closely as the words sank in, and I watched as several thoughts moved through his eyes. That resolve gleamed through his features all over again, and he nodded. “Then we’ll change the plan.” He glanced over at Sebastian, Beau, and Ezra from where they stood behind the pack. “Can I depend on you for backup in this?”

Without needing to think about it, Sebastian nodded. “Whatever you need, we’ll be there.”

“I’ll get Jacob and Ethan here immediately,” Beau added, already pulling out his phone.

“Thank you. I owe each one of you for this,” Levi returned graciously. “In that case, rather than surrounding the territory in the woods, I’ll have you five form a wide ring around us so nobody can interfere. If they try, stop it immediately. If we can get ahead of them, then Sam won’t have the chance to rely on anyone else to fight this for him. Everyone else can keep an eye on the pack to make sure nobody attempts any kind of sabotage.”

Everyone nodded their agreement, and nobody objected to the plan.

While it couldn’t guarantee that Sam wouldn’t try to pull a fast one on Levi, knowing he had the chance to plan for it made me feel better about the fact. The preventive measures were better than going in completely blind.

As Levi worked out the fine details of the plan, like who was going and staying and where the pack was to enter from, I found myself in awe of how he conducted himself along with the others. He was a genuine alpha through and through, and that made me even more desperate for him to win.

There was nobody more prepared or deserving of the title than he was, and I knew it was a grave mistake that he was ever cast out. Everyone’s best interest had been exiled, only to their detriment.