Page 31 of My Bully Alpha

Warmed by his apparent willingness to open up to me, I felt more comfortable as we soaked in each other’s company, forgetting all about the bonfire and our other problems.

“Thank you,” I said, savoring that moment of peace and mutual understanding.

Even if we had a rocky start and seemed like opposites at the time, it was becoming easier to see why the Goddess decided to bless us. I found myself doubting her credibility less and less.

Chapter 14 - Levi

Due to the strange circumstances that we found ourselves in, I did my best to hold off on most major pack customs for Jane's sake. However, there was one I didn't want to delay much longer.

While it was meant to boost pack morale, I figured it would be a good way for us to bond more and spend time together. So far, the effort we had been putting forward seemed to be benefiting both of us, and we were reaching new places in our relationship.

Plus, any excuse to spend time with her was worth pursuing in my book. Spending even an afternoon away from her made me feel like I was moments away from raging at the first person I came into contact with.

Those feel-good hormones pumped through me as I finished my morning jog and went up the front steps, preparing myself for the day ahead.

Moving through the house, I figured it was a decent time to wake Jane up and found her still asleep in bed.

She stirred before I could say anything, looking at me through a hazy fog. She inhaled sharply and wiped at her eyes.

Even in her grogginess, I couldn’t help but want her. No matter the time or the state she was in, my desire for her had no end.

"What's going on?"

"We're heading out to the lake again," I said, reaching for a towel to wipe myself down with. Recalling exactly what we had gotten up to the last time made that lust stir within me again, but I kept it down as best as I could. "This time, it's for the pack's sake."

As if realizing that I was half naked in front of her, Jane scanned me briefly, only to catch herself sheepishly in the act. Color bloomed on her face, and I found it amusing. It certainly didn’t help my sensitive urges.

"What's the occasion?" She asked, pulling the blanket up to her chin.

I let go of a steadying breath, telling myself to focus on the plan rather than how gorgeous she was.

"It's customary for the alpha and Luna to head out and bring back a bounty for the pack, symbolizing our promise to provide for them," I explained, busying myself by grabbing my clothes. "The pack will be waiting to have whatever we catch tonight. I figured fishing might be easier for a first-time hunter."

Jane seemed at a loss for words initially, and I could only assume it was due to Sam's pack's lack of hunting culture. If anything, it was normally left up to the males for sport.

Despite her apprehension, Jane sat herself up in bed and nodded. "All right. When do we leave?"

"As soon as you're ready," I replied, glad she was willing to try.

Even if she seemed unsure of the tradition at first, Jane was quick to get ready. We both cleaned ourselves up and made our way to the garage. With everything we needed already in the back, we got in and headed out.

While I would’ve appreciated a sunnier day, the overcast sky provided better conditions for fishing, and I hoped we would have a big bounty to celebrate the two of us and put Jane at ease.

From the passenger seat, I could tell she was doubting herself, but I wished she wouldn’t. It wasn’t every day that a shifter became a Luna, with a whole new set of expectations and responsibilities, and I wanted Jane to show herself some more grace.

When we pulled up to the lake and got ourselves situated at the end of the dock, I handed Jane her fishing rod and busied myself with my own, only to find her looking entirely out of her depth.

Lifting a curious brow, I asked, “What’s the matter?”

Another blush moved through her cheeks, and Jane shied away. “I don’t…know how to fish.”

“You don’t at all?”

She shook her head.

While I wasn’t entirely expecting to put together a fishing crash course, I remembered that the day was supposed to be for us, and we didn’t have any time restraints. We had as long as we needed to catch as much meat as we could, and if I had to spend some of that time showing Jane what to do, then so be it.

Before she could get too embarrassed, I put my rod to the side and gestured for her to pass the other to me. “Don’t worry, I’ll show you how.”