Like an animal trapped in a cage, my inner wolf was anxious to get out. It was going wild inside me, and I couldn’t pinpoint why that was. Its anxiety transferred to me until it became all-consuming, and I didn’t know what to make of it.

Something was wrong. Something had happened.

From the way her name seemed to circulate through my mind, I had a sinking feeling it was about Cora.

The moment my cell rang, the sound nearly split through my head, rocking me to my core. Not wasting a second, I jumped up from the bench and snagged it in my pile of clothes.

Cora’s number flashed across the screen, and my heart leaped in my chest.

Without thinking twice, I accepted the call, suddenly desperate to hear her voice. I wanted the comfort only she could give me, even if we had been shouting at one another not long prior.


A chuckle came from the other end. “Long time no talk, Liam.”

Recognizing that voice immediately, everything inside me locked up. The biggest wave of dread moved through me, and I knew right away that my biggest nightmare was coming true.

“Alphonse,” I managed, fighting back the urge to shut down completely.

“How kind of you to remember me after all this time.”

He was playing around. Messing with me. He was confident that he had the upper hand.

That disbelief was immediately chased by anger. I clenched my fist at my side. “Where is she?”

“Your girlfriend? If you couldn’t guess already, we have her, Saunders. Our attempt at getting to you through her didn’t work last time, so we thought we’d hit a little closer to home.”

I felt how my face drained, and only a cold chill was left behind. “You didn’t need to bring her into this.”

“Oh, but we did, and we have. You know what to do.”

Gritting my teeth, the thought of them having her was enough to flare that blinding rage inside me again. This time, it was aimed solely at The Triplets.

Like I assumed before, they wanted to use her to get to me. Somehow, they assumed she was close to me, or at the very least, that I wouldn’t be able to stomach the idea of them taking someone from town hostage.

It was a bold assumption on their part, but I could only assume they had been watching after I took down their man. Who knows how long they had been watching after the fact.

“Don’t hurt her,” I growled, prepared to shift and run straight to her if I had to. “I’ll meet with you as long as you promise to keep her safe. We can settle this like men.”

Alphonse chuckled again from the other end of the call. “If you say so. Come by the woods near the cemetery by nightfall. You only have a few hours until we decide what to do with her.”

It was ominous enough for me to know I shouldn’t question their intentions. It didn’t matter what the situation was or who was involved; if they were in the position to follow through with a threat, they would.

“See you there,” Alphonse chimed, ending the call before I had the chance to.

Energy rippled through me at once, laced with panic and worry for Cora’s safety.

I had no doubt that they wouldn’t care enough to keep her well-being in mind. But if I was lucky, they just had her tied up somewhere to use as bait, rather than taking their anger out on her.

Silently, I hoped that she would be all right, and I peeled out of the gym faster than I could collect my things.

While my mind was only on getting Cora back and making sure she was safe, I had to redirect it for her sake. Instead of charging in headfirst, I needed to make sure everything was in place. I needed backup in case anything went wrong.

Remembering what Kai said about having my back, I decided that would be my first stop. I needed as many people as I could get.

Breaking into a sprint, I ran straight for the first building that made sense on the pack grounds. As I swung myself through the doorframe, slight relief washed over me once I found both Kai and Finn inside, likely going over pack-related news.

When they turned to look at me, their surprised expressions mirrored one another.