Seeing Kai and his right hand Finn put my wolf on edge immediately, aware of the power they possessed in town.

There was no missing an alpha's natural domineering abilities, which was especially true with Kai.

That slight hesitation I felt came from a place of uncertainty while I quickly analyzed not only our dynamic but also his feelings toward me. Since I had been away from the pack for some time, my position was in the air, as was Kai's judgment of me.

But the moment a familiar smile spread across both their faces, that hesitance ebbed away.

"Long time no see, Liam," Kai said, holding a hand out to me. "Welcome back to Rose Valley."

Letting my shoulders relax, I grinned back, glad to know they were as welcoming as ever.

I never doubted Kai's integrity or his prowess as a leader, yet the reminder was still a relief.

As I took his hand, Kai clapped my shoulder, and then Finn did the same.

"Thanks, it's great to be back," I returned, feeling as if no time had passed at all.

"It always felt strange to be missing one of us, but it's good to see a familiar face again," Finn added, looking around the studio. "This is quite the place you have. I'm psyched to see what you end up doing with it."

"How was your time away?" The alpha asked, more focused on me than his right hand.

"It was what I needed to finally grow up," I began, chuckling at the thought of how restless I had been before. "I got set up at a decent job, worked my way up and got my money right, and found myself in a fortunate position."

Kai's brows lifted, looking impressed. "Sounds like you made the most of it. How'd you grow your wealth?"

"Property," I murmured, leaving out the part of how I acquired that money to begin with. "The market was good, and I got in while I could. Once I felt like I had enough of a cushion, I decided to come back here and try my hand at tattooing."

He nodded thoughtfully. "It never hurts to have assets."

I wasn't entirely lying to Kai, which made any lie undetectable to him. Withholding certain details didn't hurt.

"If it allows me to pursue my goals, then I don't mind having it in my pocket."

"Since you're back now, are you hoping to rejoin the pack?" Kai asked, crossing his arms over his chest.

During my time away, I didn't have much interest in being in the pack. It didn't allow me the wiggle room I needed to go my own way, but since being gone, that side of me felt called to it. I wanted that camaraderie again.

"If you'll have me back," I answered, feeling hopeful.

Finn flipped through the portfolio of my previous work I had managed to find within the many boxes in the studio, nodding to himself. "If your tattoos are as good as they seem, then there shouldn't be any problem making up for lost time."

Kai snickered. "Not to abuse my position, but it's only right the alpha should be tatted first."

"Done and done," I said, glad for the prospect. "That's what I'm here for. We open soon, and I'm prepared to start booking."

They both looked satisfied at that, and Finn grinned at me. "Count me in. If you set me up right, I'll be your first regular."

“That I can do.”

“Anyway,” Kai said, steering the conversation back on track. “We have biweekly pack meetings, and if you’re interested in beginning your integration again, you can find us at the community center. If you have any questions, come ask one of us.”

Something about the idea of being part of the pack again brought a lightness over me. Knowing the guys didn’t see me as some outcast helped me out more than I expected. Even if I would still technically be in some sort of probationary time, it was better than taking on that burden of being unknown.

My childhood in Rose Valley seemed to give me some credit, at least.

“Thanks, I’ll swing by when I can.”

“We’ll see you around,” Kai said, giving me a nod. “And good luck with everything. We’ll be sure to check in.”