I was always told that pregnancy was a magic time to enjoy every second of—that I would glow and feel like nothing short of a goddess.

Unfortunately, I felt like the opposite. I was exhausted, tired of vomiting, and unsure if I could keep from telling Liam what was really going on. For whatever reason, I clung to the idea of surprising him in the way I had thought about for a long time.

Regardless of my discomfort, it was a magical and wonderful time for us, and I wanted to instill that excitement in him.

The thought of being unable to surprise him made tears prick the corner of my eyes, and I urged myself not to cry. Not only was I uncomfortable most days, but my emotions were a mess as well.

The first trimester had been brutal, and I found myself with an increasing number of questions for my friends who had raved about their pregnancies. I supposed they had been lucky.

Just before I thought about attempting to stand to see just how far I could make it, my stomach turned, and I knew what was about to come.

Leaning toward the toilet, the cycle began all over again.

By the time it was truly out of my system, I was exhausted but mustered up the courage to rinse out my mouth and try my best to keep the day going.

Not only was it hard to keep from Liam, but from work too. A part of me couldn’t wait until I could take my leave and get the rest I so badly needed.

Stepping into the bedroom, I was surprised to see him sitting on the edge of the bed, brows fixed together with concern.

My cheeks reddened—likely the only color to bloom in my face.

“What’s been going on?” Liam asked with concern written all over his face. “I noticed you’ve been smelling different lately for some reason, and you’re always disappearing on me. Are you feeling all right?”

While a part of me wanted to play it off as some lingering illness, the look on his face was getting the better of me.

He seemed so genuinely worried, like he was prepared to do anything in the world to make sure I was fine.

Even if I had been emotional about not getting to surprise him moments prior, a resolve settled within me, and I knew I couldn’t keep him in the dark any longer.

Seeing him so stricken with worry pained me, and I wanted him to join in on the excitement.

With a gentle breath, I moved to sit beside him and gave him a small smile.

The almost child-like fear stitched into his features was endearing, and I tried not to laugh about it for his sake.

I reached for his hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. “I was planning on telling you differently, but I guess there’s no point in waiting. I might as well get out with it.”

Liam’s brows lifted. “Please, do.”

Unable to stop my own happiness from showing, I cracked a smile. “I’ve been sick lately because I’m pregnant.”

Liam blinked back at me for a moment as if the news hadn’t sunk in yet. Then, the realization scattered throughout his face. Stunned, he didn’t say anything for a moment.

“Oh my god,” he mumbled, putting his face in his hands. “I can’t believe I spoiled the surprise.”

Laughing, I gently rubbed his back. “You didn’t spoil anything. I’m just glad you don’t think I’m dying or something.”

When he lifted his head to look at me, emotion swam in his eyes, and the shock of it all seemed to move through him in waves.

“I can’t believe you’re pregnant,” he said more gently as he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer. He pulled in a deep breath, likely fighting off the strong wave of emotions. “I’m so happy to hear it.”

“It’s been rough on me so far, but I’m glad you know now,” I said, feeling like a weight had been lifted from my chest. “I hope you know how difficult it was not to tell you the second I found out. It’s been so hard to keep a secret.”

Liam continued to go on about it as we embraced, letting me feel his love through the affection. Over and over, it seemed to hit him, and each time, he squeezed me even tighter.

“I can’t believe we’re going to be parents,” he cooed, pulling back enough to gaze at me.

I softened at the tender look in his eyes, and I brought a hand up to caress his cheek. “It will be a big change, but I know we can handle it. Everyone’s going to be so elated.”