Exchanging our love-struck smiles, we moved away from the stand and began down one of the many paths.

We took in the sights, pointing at the light arrangements and decorations we liked the most, appreciating how much time and care went into the setup. Being surrounded by so much excitement and happiness warmed me despite the chilly afternoon air.

There was something so cozy about Rose Valley during the holidays and paired with hot chocolate in hand, everything was perfect.

As we reached a point where the lights ended and wrapped back around to guide visitors back to the main events, I felt as Liam reached for my hand.

Without needing to be encouraged, I accepted it, still amazed by how the faintest touch could make my heart race.

Using my hand to guide me, Liam pulled me closer until he was looking down at me, wearing a warm smile.

My cheeks were sore from how perfectly content I felt.

“The last few weeks have been nice, and I’m grateful you’ve been willing to take things slow,” Liam began, letting a small glimmer of mischief enter his eyes. “As much as I enjoy getting to know you, I want us to be more.”

Finally hearing those words made my heart leap, and I could’ve melted right there. Everything about it was so perfect.

His smile grew, surely aware of how badly I had wanted it myself. “Cora, will you be my girlfriend?”

Over the moon, I wasted no time. “Absolutely. No questions asked.”

Liam chuckled and hooked a finger beneath my chin, so close I could almost feel his mouth already. “Good. I would’ve been offended otherwise.”

Chuckling at him, I leaned in and melded our lips together. It was like returning home each time we touched, and I knew I’d never grow tired of it. Everything about him and our connection was so addicting that I could never get enough.

He adjusted his hand to brush his thumb against my cheek, and I was overcome with bliss.

Despite enduring trauma and having to undergo some deep personal growth, every struggle was worth it for the outcome. To have him as my boyfriend and mate, every bump in the road made me even more grateful for him and the chance he took on me.

Liam was everything I ever could’ve asked for, and regardless of where we started, I couldn’t trade him for anything.

“I love you,” Liam murmured between kisses, looking at me through his dark lashes.

I flushed at those words, surprised to hear him say it first. But as the shock wore off, only mutual gratitude remained, and I had no doubt that he meant it.

Practically vibrating from how full my heart felt, I smiled back at him.

“I love you too.”

When we finally pulled away, we continued walking hand in hand beneath the lights, officially a couple after all.

Chapter 30 - Cora

Nobody ever told me how hard it would be to hide my symptoms from Liam.

With each passing day, it was only getting worse. It wasn’t that I wanted to hide it from him out of shame or fear, but I had a plan up my sleeve. I had the perfect vision in my head of how I would surprise him with the big news.

But with the first trimester came more discomfort than I had anticipated.

I took as many pregnancy-safe concoctions as I could, but some days, it didn’t matter what I tried. I was just as sick and afraid that the secret would slip before I was ready.

It was almost impossible to dodge his offer for drinks or certain foods, but I tried my hardest to steer clear of anything I wasn’t supposed to consume. Even if he gave me strange looks or seemed increasingly more confused each time, I did everything not to make it too obvious.

But with that nausea and mild cramping came the frequent trips to the bathroom. I was often as quiet as I could be, but I knew that sooner rather than later, he would catch on.

With my arms slung over the ice-cold porcelain, which felt surprisingly good against my overheated skin, I swallowed the build-up saliva that acted as a harbinger of more to come.

But I didn’t have anything left in my system. Pressing the plunger down, the mess was flushed, and I slumped against the wall, wondering if I had another round of vomiting to attend to.