People moved along the pathways that had been carefully shoveled out by the shifters that morning, packing down the snow as they took in the sights and appreciated another successful event thrown by Sienna and her dedicated volunteers.

I was glad to be one of them, even as I stood behind one of the collection tables with Sara, graciously accepting all the gifts and monetary donations everyone had to offer.

With the string lights, candy cane-themed decorations, and more than enough vendors handing out sweets and hot chocolate, the square was turned into a holiday wonderland.

The big tree pitched up in the very center twinkled beautifully, having been carefully decorated and appreciated by everyone who gazed at it.

“This might be one of the busiest days we’ve had in a while, but I’m so glad things are relatively normal again,” I said, moving a recent donation into the bin full of toys.

Sara snickered. “I was getting worried for you there. But I’m also glad I don’t have to worry about my best friend getting herself in more trouble.”

Giving her a sheepish smile, I shrugged. “I had to learn the hard way, I guess.”

“Don’t worry, you aren’t the only one, and you certainly won’t be the last,” she said, making me feel better about the fact. “Many of us have been through hell and back for our mates.”

“It’s strange how things can change so quickly,” I said, mulling over the thought. “I guess being held at knife-point will do that to a person.”

“I’m surprised by how everything ended up, even if it seems so obvious looking back on it.”

“In what way?”

Sara smiled. “Without even realizing it, Liam was driving you insane, and no matter what you did, you always ended up stuck with him. In hindsight, it was the beginnings of your bond coming into play.”

“I guess I just didn’t think about it, not after I had been so upset with him,” I commented, watching as the happy guests went on with their day. “I knew that witches could block the connection without being aware of it, but I didn’t think I would be one of those people.”

“I’m just glad that you’re happy now and everything worked itself out,” Sara continued, offering me her genuine support.

“I am, too. We had a long talk after the situation was handled, and I’ve been having the best time getting to know Liam for who he really is. He’s been taking me on dates and spending as much time with me as he can,” I told her, picking at the warm fries in front of me. “Last week, he took me to the city for the weekend, and we went to this nicest restaurant. Everything about it was amazing.”

“That sounds wonderful,” she said, eyes twinkling with sincerity. “So, does that mean you guys are a couple now?”

I shied away from the question, aware that we hadn’t fully dived into that aspect yet. While we were undoubtedly dating and learning more about each other, we weren’t absolutely official. As much as I wanted to be, I didn’t want to rush.

“Not yet. We’re taking things slow, even if the bond can make it difficult at times.”

While Sara looked somewhat confused, she nodded anyway. “It’s nice that you’re building that trust and doing it in a way that suits you. I’m really happy for you guys.”

“Thanks, Sara,” I said, smiling. “It means a lot.”

“Just let me know when you have a little one on the way. I doubt he’ll be able to keep his hands off you for long,” she teased.

I laughed it off as my cheeks warmed at the idea. I already knew he would be a great dad one day, and while we weren’t ready to be parents yet, I knew it would be amazing when that time came around.

As more couples approached the table with presents in hand, we redirected our attention to them and continued our volunteer work.

While we accepted the donations, I couldn’t help but sneak my glances at Liam whenever he and some of the other shifters were busy moving bigger items and helping wherever they could.

Each time he was near, the bond would pull, and it was like second nature to look up at him and admire him from afar. I couldn’t wait to see him later, even if I had a good view of him already.

Music played through the square as the day went on, and I soaked in the joy that emanated from everyone. Eventually, Sienna announced the winners of the raffle, and they were also handed a lovely gift basket.

As I clapped along with everyone else, everything suddenly went dark.

But the flicker of that connection within my chest let me know who it was immediately. That familiar scent consumed me, and I was instantly put at ease.

“Can I borrow you for a walk?” Liam asked, dropping his hands as he moved in beside me.

Looking up at him, my chest warmed, and I nodded without a second thought. “Of course you can.”