The harder he went, the more difficult it was for me to keep it together. Everything about it claimed all of my attention, along with the high I wanted more than anything at that moment.

As Liam’s hips turned sloppier, I knew he was getting close himself. We had been too pent up, and it was only a matter of time before we would both hit that end.

Encouraging me, Liam dropped his hand between my legs and added that blissful pressure to my clit. Those messy circles were enough to push me over the edge, and I couldn’t take it anymore.

Gasping as I hit the precipice, I clenched around him and held the counter for dear life, noticing that my vision had a black border around it. My orgasm shook through me, allowing me to hit cloud nine without another thought.

Drawing out my bliss, Liam continued to thrust as his thigh quivered until there was no holding back for him either.

He pulled out before he could spill inside me, and the warmth of him landed against the small of my back.

Panting through it, Liam was careful not to let me fall while I stood on wobbly legs. Without needing to be prompted, he grabbed something to clean me up with, and he wrapped his arms around me.

In a pleasant fog, I didn’t object as he hoisted me up again, but this time began for the bedroom.

I soaked in the warmth that came from his incredible body, more than willing to be laid down on the soft mattress.

Liam moved in behind me wordlessly and wrapped an arm around me, allowing that comfort to blanket me.

Regardless of what had happened to me, having him near made it feel better, as if nothing was left in the world for me to worry about.

Something within me seemed to sing with a happy vibration, and I was far too tired to look into it.

Chapter 21 - Cora

Prepared to experience the biggest feeling of deja vu all over again the moment I peeled my eyes open, I was met with a pleasant surprise instead.

Liam was pressed against my back, letting me siphon his warmth through my bare skin. His arm draped over my waist, holding me in place as if he never planned on letting me go again. He slept soundly behind me, which brought a comfort over me I had never felt before.

I half expected him to get up bright and early with no intention of staying long. Instead, there he was, sharing my bed and making me feel safe in his presence.

Something in the back of my mind told me I should’ve been repulsed by the idea of him hanging around, especially after we had slept together. But something about it was far too comfortable for me to hate.

Caged by him beneath the warm blankets put me at peace, and while it was at complete odds with my previous plan, it felt like the reassurance I needed to not follow through with uncovering his past.

While I didn’t have much choice in the matter after I had been jumped in the woods, a part of me felt that it was for the better. Tarnishing his reputation likely wasn’t the best thing for either of us, and I couldn’t help but feel like I had dodged a bullet in a way.

That tiny voice in the back of my mind still wanted the satisfaction of knowing that Liam couldn’t get everything he wanted in life by being an ass, and taking that possibility off the table felt like a disservice to my past self.

While I was torn, there was no denying how different things felt between us already. Writing anything negative about him would ruin what promise we had, and I wasn’t so sure I was willing to put us on the line.

Looking up at the ceiling as Liam warmed my bed from beside me, I knew then and there that I had to put an indefinite hiatus on figuring out his past. If things continued to go well with Liam, then I’d stop altogether.

Instead of being hasty about the whole thing, I wanted to give him a chance. It was the least I could do.

I contemplated getting up and making us some breakfast, but the bed was so warm and inviting, and I didn’t want to leave it. Instead, I wanted to soak up that bliss and reminisce about the night before. The weight of his arm resting on me was enough to spark that familiar desire in me again.

There was something so intoxicating about Liam that pulled me in, no matter how I should’ve otherwise felt about him. I didn’t understand how he could mesmerize me so quickly, sometimes to my dismay.

Fortunately, I didn’t have to pick between staying in bed and waiting for him to wake up or getting up and leaving once Liam stirred in his sleep.

With a sharp inhale, he roused himself, glancing over at me with the workings of a slight smile on his lips. His dark hair was a mess over his eyes, which he wiped the sleep from with his fingers.

“Morning,” he said, voice gruff and sexy. It sent a shiver down my spine.

“Good morning,” I returned, more lighthearted than I had been in some time. “How did you sleep?”

“When we managed to actually fall asleep, pretty well, actually.”