Her bitterness was irritating, especially since I didn’t want there to be any bad blood between us in the first place. Leaving after our hookup wasn’t supposed to be a slight against her. It wasn’t an indicator of my dissatisfaction towards her, not since she had been one of the best partners I had ever had. Instead, keeping her at arm’s length was the best way I could really protect her.

Watching as she went around, sneaking in the occasional photo of the art and the patrons admiring it, I couldn’t help but wonder why she took the rejection—rather, the clarification—so hard.

We had fun, and it was a better time than I could’ve asked for. I assumed she only wanted the same, but it seemed I was wrong.

Regardless of the bitter cloud following her, I did my best to move on and busied myself with the next walk-in client.


The town welcome wagon had been nothing but kind to me since I returned, yet something in me was still apprehensive about attempting to rejoin the pack.

That feeling only intensified as I approached the community center, surprised by how restless my wolf seemed.

I wasn’t entirely sure what to make of it since I knew there was nothing to worry about. Kai had expressed his interest in having me back and had even informed me about the pack meetings.

It made me wonder if the apprehension and restlessness were only a symptom of being on my own for so long. I grew up in the pack, then willingly separated myself from it, only to try and reintegrate into the fold again. Surely I was throwing my inner wolf for a loop with the back and forth of it all.

Pulling in a steadying breath, I pulled the door open and made my way inside.

There were many wolves inside already waiting, and their eyes all fell on me. At once, there was a clear analysis underway. Not only were they inspecting me, scoping out the situation, and letting their instincts take over, but I was doing the same in return.

I allowed my wolf to take it all in. To assess the room and feel out any potential threats. I was on edge, unsure of what to think of it at first.

But the moment that recognition filled their eyes and their faces lit up, I relaxed.

“That’s Liam Saunders,” I heard one of them murmur to a friend.

“I heard he was back,” someone else said.


A voice I didn’t recognize jumped out at me as the shifter in question stepped forward, smiling at me.

It was a young woman with cropped, dark hair, carrying a child on her hip while several others followed behind her.

“I’m not sure if you remember me, but I’m River. Kai’s younger sister,” she said, adjusting the toddler in her arms. “I was fairly young when you were still around.”

The name immediately registered, and I smiled back at her. “Of course, I remember. Kai was always getting angry at you for trying to hang around us.”

River chuckled at that, nodding. “Yep, that was me. Finn was telling me you were setting up shop here, and I hoped to catch you sooner rather than later. Welcome back.”

“And he owes me a consultation,” Finn said, striding up next to her as he slung an arm over River’s shoulder. He mused a young boy’s hair as he stepped in front of him, and everything about the scene screamed that she was his mate. Those were his kids.

So much had changed since I left.

“You’re welcome to swing by anytime,” I said, still amazed by the constant developments I was seeing with every passing day. “I’ll keep a slot open for you.”

“That’s my man,” Finn said, giving me a clap on the shoulder. “I knew I could count on you.”

I chuckled as River rolled her eyes. “Anyway, it’s great to see you again, Liam. We’re glad you’re integrating back into the pack. If you’re interested in keeping yourself caffeinated throughout the day, my coffee shop isn’t far from your studio. Come say hi when you get the chance.”

“Will do. I appreciate it,” I murmured, giving them all a kind smile.

Before anything else could be said, a new presence entered the room like a wave, silently commanding our attention.

Turning around, I watched as Kai strode inside, stepping in front of the pack.

“Welcome back, everyone,” he said, holding a folded paper that surely contained topic points. “Let's get this meeting underway.”