Before I could finish my sentence, a blur in my peripheral vision came barreling toward us, and I clenched before I could see what it was.

Then, it became incredibly clear.


Chapter 23 - Griffin

Work had been surprisingly slow for once, and once noon rolled around, I was more than ready to head out for something to eat.

I drove through town until I reached a main street parking lot that wasn’t far from the park. I even thought about grabbing lunch and heading there for a change of scenery. It always looked beautiful whenever I drove by it.

But as I closed the truck door, I paused when I noticed someone in the distance. Not too far, I could still make out that familiar figure. Blonde hair moving behind her.

It was Sara.

Immediately, something rose within my chest, and practically begged for the chance to talk to her. To feel out what we were and what we might become as a result.

But that hope stilled and froze over the moment I spotted him. Noah.

My blood hit its boiling point, making my skin feel like it was on fire. That rage filled me within a moment’s notice, and the possessiveness got the better of me.

Sara was mine. Whether she knew it or not, there was something that tethered her to me, and I couldn’t let anyone get between that.

They stopped walking and faced each other as Sara wore a more serious expression. Regardless of what she was saying, I was already too far gone to hold back.

The more rational side of me knew it was too much—that I should wait and talk to her later, but I was already moving.

Cutting the space between us, I ran across the grass as fast as I could.

I was seeing red, and I needed him to know she was off-limits. She was mine.

Just as Sara recognized me, I reached for Noah’s vest and swung him around. Confusion stitched into his features, quickly followed up by recognition and anger. But my wrath outweighed his.

“Let go—”

“What the hell is this?” I spat, fueled by that blinding rage as I gripped his collar and held him there with tense hands. “You’re trying to get in the way of us now?”

“Griffin!” Sara shouted, reaching for me. “What are you doing?”

“I was about to ask Noah here the same thing,” I growled, clenching my hold on him.

“Enough of this, Griffin,” Noah managed despite how I constricted him just enough to put the slightest fear in his eyes.

“Let go!” Sara snapped in time with a rush of power emanating from her.

Catching my attention, I faced her to find concentrated magic in her palms as a green hue. She looked at me with disappointment and irritation, holding a hand up in warning.

“Let go of him. Now.”

Seeing her defend him was a bigger blow than I had anticipated. Reeling from what felt like deceit, I dropped Noah and tried to work out what was possibly going on.

Did she like him? Were they an item without me knowing?

The mere thought made my wolf want to take over completely. I wasn’t sure if I could hold it back if that were the case.

But I wasn’t done with him.

“I knew you were going to be a problem!” I muttered, pointing a finger at him as I got in his face again. “You wanted me to smell you on her, right? That was your plan to put a wedge between us. But it didn’t work, so now you’re trying again.”