That previous curiosity and awe immediately dissolved into irritation. I scowled at him. “You didn’t need to—I had it handled!”

He scoffed in return, looking just as aggravated. “I don’t have time for this.”


As though we had been yanked apart by some unseen force, we tore away from one another and stomped back to our respective houses.

Lying in bed later than night felt more like a chore than anything. Getting sleep was impossible.

I couldn’t believe how easily Griffin played the part. Without hesitation, he had swooped in and put on such a performance that even I believed him. Even if I was offended by his determination to get in the middle of it, he did help me. And I had been just as willing to follow along.

If I thought hard enough about it, I could still feel the lingering sensation of his lips against mine. I saw his attractive features in my mind, and my skin burned.

Those curious thoughts were even peskier than my grump of a neighbor, and I did my best to shove those thoughts away.

Chapter 8 - Griffin

My phone went off in my pocket, and I wasted no time fishing it out. Standing outside my truck, I internally groaned the moment I saw the stack of new messages from my mom. I scrolled through them, only to see they were all concerning a new date she had set up for me.

It was the usual, and she was showing no signs of giving up.

Music from the Roadbar flooded out onto the street like a siren’s call, and I was in no mood to ignore it.

The week had been long and busy, and while I was grateful for the extra work, it was time to unwind. To disconnect and forget everything else.

Without bothering to respond to the influx of messages, I turned my phone off and stuffed it back in my pocket. She could wait a while longer.

The sun had already set as I made my way inside, and the place was already packed. Once I stepped in, that usual energy and feel-good atmosphere put me at ease.

It was enough to make me forget about the woman I was supposed to meet at some point. It wasn’t difficult since I didn’t know her anyway.

The bar was mostly empty. Everyone was either eating at their tables or out dancing with friends. It was a relief as I slid onto a stool and hailed the bartender.

While I waited for the drink, a familiar scent surrounded me, and it didn’t take long to place it.

Not far from where I sat, Sara was standing with her friends. The usual girls who hung around Willow and Rowan. They were smiling and having a good time, and there was no ignoring how incredible she looked under the colorful lights.

She was capable of catching my attention any day, but at that moment, I couldn’t look away.

I had been full of her scent not too long ago. The moment I slipped my arm around her waist and pulled her body closer to mine, I knew I was crossing a line. But when I kissed her in front of that guy, I had sealed the deal. It was stupid and spontaneous, yet something about it felt right.

While I should’ve minded my own business and let them work it out themselves, I couldn’t ignore her distress. She wanted away from him, but he wouldn’t listen. It was impossible to walk away from that.

I may have made myself look like an ass, and I certainly took her by surprise, but I couldn’t maintain a clear conscience if I had left her out there to deal with him alone.

Regardless of what happened, it felt good, and I took the time to appreciate how great she looked from my place at the bar.

Isn’t he a bit old for you?

I couldn’t deny that he had a point. I was quite a bit older than her, and while I had no good reason to be all cozied up to her, there was at least something in me that took pride in how she had not pulled away from me.

Based on how she had softened against me, I had the feeling she didn’t mind too much either. It made me curious.

While the thought of her lips against mine stirred those previous interests I had, I could only hope she wouldn’t cause a scene in front of anyone.

She wasn’t too far away, and I mentally prepared myself for any bickering that might occur if she were to spot me.

I didn’t want to get myself wrapped up in more drama, especially nothing that concerned her. It seemed Sara had enough on her plate already, and I was too exhausted to put myself in any other precarious situations.