“She got into it years ago just to get the experience. It was on her father’s bucket list, but he never got the chance to try it. She did it so she could tell her dad what it was like soaring through the sky. She said getting paid to jump out of planes was just a bonus. I guess she makes extra with the skill working here.”
I nodded, fighting the sliver of jealousy that Lincoln knew so much about her past. I wanted to be the one to know everything about her. As we entered the building, my heart hammered for reasons beyond the impending skydive. I hadn’t seen Charlotte in three weeks and had barely spoken to her.
The anticipation of our reunion had my stomach in knots. I waded through mixed emotions. I was happy to see her because I missed her. On the other hand, I was pissed at her. She walked out on me without a fair trial. It was disappointing because I thought the bond we’d forged would have ensured at least that.
I pulled in a deep breath as we approached. She had her head down as she stared at a clipboard she held. Her face was hidden by her blonde mane. Hearing our footsteps, she looked up with a smile. I knew her well enough… knew her genuine smiles to know that was a practiced one for guests.
“Hello, welcome…” Her eyes widened when she realized that it was us. “Jamie? Lincoln? What…?”
“Hey, Char,” Lincoln drawled. “Surprise.”
She glanced at him and then her gaze slid to me and she proceeded to gawk. I stared back, watching the range of emotions flicker across her face—shock, alarm, confusion… and was that pain that I glimpsed clouding her eyes for a moment?
She swallowed. “What are you guys doing here?”
I had yet to say a word, and I couldn’t even muster a response. The barrage of emotions that hit me upon seeing her was overwhelming. Charlotte broke my heart when she walked away from me.
Lincoln gave me a pointed look as if telling me to get my shit together and say something. When I didn’t, he jumped in and said, “We’re your students for today.”
“Yeah, I got that… I mean, what…?” She blinked. “Wait, the both of you?” Her eyes zeroed in on me. “You’re joking, right?”
My eyebrows cinched into a scowl as I gathered my wits. “No, Charlotte. Since you won’t answer my calls, I figured I’d come here and jump out of a fucking plane to get your attention.”
Lincoln groaned softly.
I didn’t mean to snap. I just gave in to the fury brought on by her refusal to talk to me even when she knew the truth.
Charlotte stared at me, her eyes sparking with irritation. And there she was… The feisty woman I knew and loved. God, she was gorgeous.
The tension became almost palpable the longer we glared at each other, and I wanted to pull her against me and kiss the hell out of her.
Lincoln scratched his head as his gaze flickered between Charlotte and me. He cleared his throat and muttered, “Well, this is getting uncomfortable.”
Charlotte ended our staring contest. “Fine.”
Jumping into professional mode, she launched into a speech about the skydiving process—the paperwork, the hour-long safety training, and gearing up…
The entire time, I was caught up between disappointment that she hadn’t launched herself into my arms to tell me how much she missed me and nerve-wracking apprehension about going through with Lincoln’s ludicrous plan.
Hours later, we walked to the small aircraft. We were donned in jumpsuits, harnesses, goggles, and altimeters. The closer we got, the harder it was for my legs to move. Jesus. Was I really going through with this?
I was bathed in cold sweat and trying not to hyperventilate and we hadn’t even taken off yet. Charlotte watched me through narrowed eyes as she had been the entire time we took to prepare. It was like she was testing me, waiting to see if I’d cry timeout and hightail it back to the resort.
I refused to give her the satisfaction. Squaring my shoulders, I moved with purpose.
“This is awesome,” Lincoln said excitedly. “It’s been too long since I’ve done this. The others should be here to experience the exhilaration of free falling. How are you feeling, Jamie?”
Free falling. The words echoed in my mind like a frightening mantra, and I almost doubled over to lose my breakfast.
“I’m stoked,” I choked out.
Charlotte let out an exaggerated sigh. “Alright, enough.”
We stopped to look at her.
“Lincoln, can you give Jamie and me a moment?”
“You got it.” He gave me an approving smirk before sauntering to the plane. He was convinced that his plan was working. I wasn’t so sure…