Page 76 of Dive Into Me

When I didn’t answer, she asked hesitantly, “Should I tell him you’re not up for visitors? He’s come such a long way…”

“Uh…” I combed my fingers through my hair, blew out a breath, and opened the door, coming face-to-face with Mom. Her gaze moved over my face to take in the tear stains and my puffy red eyes.

Her soft sigh echoed with sympathy. “Did you and Jamie break up?”

I lifted a shoulder. “Something like that.”

“I’m sorry, sweetie. You really love him, don’t you?” Her eyes raked over my face again. “I’ve never seen you like this.”

My chin quivered and fresh tears filled my eyes. “Well, aren’t you going to badger me about what happened? Or ask what I did wrong because I’m not a proper lady who wants to settle down? Because I tried and it didn’t work.” My voice cracked and tears slid down my cheek.

“Oh, Charlotte… no. I…” Mom grimaced. “You’ve always been perfect the way you are. I’ve just always worried about you, and I might have said some things… I’m so sorry.”

I dropped my face into my hands and let out a sob. “I know. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to snap.”

She sighed and pulled me into an embrace, and I felt… better. Slightly. For once, she wasn’t lecturing me about my life choices.

“Thanks, Mom,” I whispered.

She pulled back but kept her hands on my shoulders. “I can tell Lincoln to leave…”

“You’re really not going to ask what happened?” I asked incredulously. Knowing Mom, the curiosity was killing her.

A ghost of a smile appeared on her lips. “Something tells me you’re not ready to talk about it.”

I shook my head. “I should go speak with Lincoln. It must be something important…” It had to be if he traveled all the way from LA.

“I’ll keep him entertained for a while,” Mom said. “You take a few more minutes.”

“Thanks, Mom.”

Goodness, I loved her to the moon, especially when she was so understanding.



I tentatively descended the last step into the living room as I warily watched Lincoln. He sat with his elbows on his knees, twirling a glass of water in his hands. When he spotted me, he put the glass on the coffee table and stood up. His massive frame seemed to take up the entire space.

“Lincoln…” I greeted with a mixture of confusion and apprehension. Was he here to pick a fight? Maybe berate me for being with Jamie behind his back? I was sure he’d seen the video and pictures by now. It wasn’t like him to pick a fight, but he’d been so upset about everything that I wasn’t sure…

“Charlotte, hey. I should have called before showing up, but I was worried.”

My eyebrows snapped together. “About me? Why?”

Sharp green eyes locked onto mine. They carried sincere concern that I didn’t expect. I assumed he harbored resentment about the way things happened between us. “Yes. I thought you were missing.”


“Jamie called me.”

“And you answered…” I smiled slightly. “That’s great. Does that mean things between you guys are okay now?”

His lips twisted into a wry grin. “I don’t know. We haven’t spoken much. However, yes, I answered when he called the other day, frantically searching for you. He said you disappeared. Trouble in paradise?”

I took a step back and glared. “God, Lincoln, if you came here to gloat…”

“You know me, Char. I wouldn’t do that no matter how upset I am.”